The Good, The Bad & The Queen
Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz) and Paul Simonon (The Clash)... in the same band... wow.
I've been told that it's accepted that 0,999...* = 1 .
*and so on ad infinitum
I extend that to 99,999...* % = 100 %.
Also, "most of us are atheists towards all but one of Humanity's gods throughout History. Some of us just go one god further." (Richard Dawkins).
There are an infinite number of gods to atheistic about (Thor, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Amon Ra, Zeus, etc. etc.). Yes, infinite, because I just invented an infinite number of them. For every god I can think of, I can think of another one.
So Dawkins' "all but one" translates as 99,999...* % of all gods.
Which equates to 100%.
Hence we are all atheists towards all gods, even if we believe in one (because frankly, which one do you pick?).
Let us not forget the god who only rewards people who don't believe in it.
And so it goes on and once more, again and repeatedly.
Also, "most of us are atheists towards all but one of Humanity's gods throughout History. Some of us just go one god further." (Richard Dawkins).
There are an infinite number of gods to atheistic about (Thor, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Amon Ra, Zeus, etc. etc.). Yes, infinite, because I just invented an infinite number of them. For every god I can think of, I can think of another one.
So Dawkins' "all but one" translates as 99,999...* % of all gods.
Which equates to 100%.
Hence we are all atheists towards all gods, even if we believe in one (because frankly, which one do you pick?).
Let us not forget the god who only rewards people who don't believe in it.
And so it goes on and once more, again and repeatedly.
Omega- Stone Sour
WHAT a skeletal wreck of man this is;
Translucent flesh and feeble bones,
The kind of temple where the whores and villains try to tempt the holistic tones
Running rampant with free thought to free form, in the free and clear
And the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a Laundromat to sift and focus
On the bigger, better, now.
We all have a little sin that needs venting
Virtues for the rending and laws and systems and stems that riff from the branches of office
Do you know what your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
Wind down inside atavistic galore
The value of a summer spent and a winter earned
For the rest of us there is always Sunday:
The day of the week that reeks of rest but all we do is catch our breaths
So we can wade naked into the bloody pool
And place our hand on the big black book.~
To watch the knives zig-zag between our aching fingers
A vacation is a countdown
T minus your life and counting
Time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and hope you get a taste.
I could go on and on, but lets move on... shall we?
Say, you're me and I'm you and they all watch the things we do
And like a smack of spite they threw me down the stairs
Haven't felt like this in years.
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse,
Let me go and plunge me into the dead spot again
That's where you go when there's no one else around
It's just you, and there was never anyone to begin with, now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards with there thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger.
"Classified" my ass, that's a fucking secret and you know it
"Government" is another way to say "better-than-you".
It's like ice but no pick, a murder charge that won't stick
It's like a whole other world where you can smell the food, but you can't touch the silverware... what luck
Fascism you can vote for... isn't that sweet?
And we're all gonna die some day, cause that's the American way
And I've drunk to much and said to little
When you're gaffer taped in the middle, say a prayer, say a phrase, get yourself together and...
I'm sorry, I could go on and on
But it's time to move on, so...
You're a wreck,
An accident, forget the freak you're just nature.
Keep the gun oiled and the temple clean; shit, snort and blaspheme
Let the heads cool and the engine run,
Because in then end everything we do
Is just everything we've done
Translucent flesh and feeble bones,
The kind of temple where the whores and villains try to tempt the holistic tones
Running rampant with free thought to free form, in the free and clear
And the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a Laundromat to sift and focus
On the bigger, better, now.
We all have a little sin that needs venting
Virtues for the rending and laws and systems and stems that riff from the branches of office
Do you know what your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
Wind down inside atavistic galore
The value of a summer spent and a winter earned
For the rest of us there is always Sunday:
The day of the week that reeks of rest but all we do is catch our breaths
So we can wade naked into the bloody pool
And place our hand on the big black book.~
To watch the knives zig-zag between our aching fingers
A vacation is a countdown
T minus your life and counting
Time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and hope you get a taste.
What the fuck is all this for?
What the hell's going on?
Shut up!
What the hell's going on?
Shut up!
I could go on and on, but lets move on... shall we?
Say, you're me and I'm you and they all watch the things we do
And like a smack of spite they threw me down the stairs
Haven't felt like this in years.
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse,
Let me go and plunge me into the dead spot again
That's where you go when there's no one else around
It's just you, and there was never anyone to begin with, now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards with there thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger.
"Classified" my ass, that's a fucking secret and you know it
"Government" is another way to say "better-than-you".
It's like ice but no pick, a murder charge that won't stick
It's like a whole other world where you can smell the food, but you can't touch the silverware... what luck
Fascism you can vote for... isn't that sweet?
And we're all gonna die some day, cause that's the American way
And I've drunk to much and said to little
When you're gaffer taped in the middle, say a prayer, say a phrase, get yourself together and...
*See what's happening,*
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
I'm sorry, I could go on and on
But it's time to move on, so...
You're a wreck,
An accident, forget the freak you're just nature.
Keep the gun oiled and the temple clean; shit, snort and blaspheme
Let the heads cool and the engine run,
Because in then end everything we do
Is just everything we've done
Terribly sorry, old chap...
Oh dear. James Bond, one of Great Britain's proudest institutions, now drives a Ford. And not just any Ford, no, it's a Ford with a stupid name: Zetec. OK, so it's just a new Mondeo, which isn't too bad a name, but come on! It has a Z in there! A made-up name with a Z can never be a good thing. Just look at Zelda. How misleading was that?!
It was bad enough when 007 went German with the BMW, at least that was an expensive car. What are they thinking?
Bring back the Aston Martins, they're so much prettier. (Yes, I know, Ford owns Aston Martin, OK, but desn't that make it even worse? I mean, sacrificing the greatness of such a typically British thing for the purposes of product placement? Come on...)
Or if they really want to have him driving something affordable, why not make it an MX-5. That could be some good exposure for the mark-3, and Bond wouldn't look like a housewife. Admittedly he would look like a bloke having a midlife crisis, but a cool one at least.
The Ford Mondeo Zetec:

The Mazda MX-5 mk3

The Aston Martin Vanquish:

It was bad enough when 007 went German with the BMW, at least that was an expensive car. What are they thinking?
Bring back the Aston Martins, they're so much prettier. (Yes, I know, Ford owns Aston Martin, OK, but desn't that make it even worse? I mean, sacrificing the greatness of such a typically British thing for the purposes of product placement? Come on...)
Or if they really want to have him driving something affordable, why not make it an MX-5. That could be some good exposure for the mark-3, and Bond wouldn't look like a housewife. Admittedly he would look like a bloke having a midlife crisis, but a cool one at least.
The Ford Mondeo Zetec:

The Mazda MX-5 mk3

The Aston Martin Vanquish:

Been to hell and back again.
While I was in hospital I had to have a lumber puncture, just like last year, to remove excess brain-spine liquid to a) relieve the pressure and b) get it analysed. During the procedure I had a bad trip on Entonox (50% O2 and 50% N2O), which is the stuff they make you breathe so that you don't mind about the pain (big needles in your back). The problem they encountered this time was that when I was lying on my side I wasn't straight enough, so they couldn't aim properly (much precision required with this kind of thing). So they had me sit up. That didn't work the first time either, because they didn't get me round enough. So it was only at the third attempt that they finally managed to get it right. Which meant I got a triple dose of the laughing gas. Unfortunately at such a large amount its analgesic effects become so strong it acts as an anæsthetic. So I fell asleep.
I was aware of it happening to me, but I couldn't do anything about it. And because my whole body had gone numb, there was just me in "the dark bit behind the eyes". No means of communicating, no feelings, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. My thoughts, though, weren't so nice. I believed I was going to remain in that state forever, and never die. It was horrible, the thought of such solitude. and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. That's definitely motivated me to stay away from drugs now...
I was aware of it happening to me, but I couldn't do anything about it. And because my whole body had gone numb, there was just me in "the dark bit behind the eyes". No means of communicating, no feelings, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. My thoughts, though, weren't so nice. I believed I was going to remain in that state forever, and never die. It was horrible, the thought of such solitude. and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. That's definitely motivated me to stay away from drugs now...
Christian "le Crétin Chrétien" Nardin (Nain de Jardin)
This was going to be a rather mean post about how rubbish my French teacher was, but he can't have been that bad because he was so uninspiring that I never got round to finishing it. Or even starting it.
Laat deze plaats...
St. John: Die Wahrheit macht frei. (The truth makes you free.)
The Nazis: Arbeit macht frei. (Work makes you free.)
Me: Macht macht frei. (Power makes you free.)
The Nazis: Arbeit macht frei. (Work makes you free.)
Me: Macht macht frei. (Power makes you free.)
Beta is better
Now this is nice, Blogger have got their act together and now the service is running even more smoothly than before. Foul-ups, I should expect, will be much fewer and farther between than before. Which means more pictures!
Here is Greg's ass, and [not-Greg]'s (can anyone prove me wrong? actually I think I might, but please somebody else try first!) hand:

And to cheer you up after that ordeal, have a beer: (hopefully the people in the background won't feel too incriminated if ever their parents come along here (I know, I know, yeah right wtf and all))

Or, if you don't like beer, something a little more unusual for you to ponder over while the rest of the world gets drunk:

Polish people are so Catholic, they have 3 Jesuses (Jesii?)
(Don't worry I'm not that ignorant about ignorance.)
Alternatively, if you're offended by my going-to-hell-anyway-so-whatever way of thinking, this should at least bemuse everyone:
Here is Greg's ass, and [not-Greg]'s (can anyone prove me wrong? actually I think I might, but please somebody else try first!) hand:

And to cheer you up after that ordeal, have a beer: (hopefully the people in the background won't feel too incriminated if ever their parents come along here (I know, I know, yeah right wtf and all))

Or, if you don't like beer, something a little more unusual for you to ponder over while the rest of the world gets drunk:

Polish people are so Catholic, they have 3 Jesuses (Jesii?)
(Don't worry I'm not that ignorant about ignorance.)
Alternatively, if you're offended by my going-to-hell-anyway-so-whatever way of thinking, this should at least bemuse everyone:

Woot! Yesterday it was off with my braces! Can't actually tell the difference it apparently made for my teeth, though. Rip-off anyway, but an insured one. I'm sure, as with a lot of things, if I had much more of an incentive I would have cared more.
The cloud filling this particular silver lining is why they were taken off. Ideally the orthodontist would have had me were them a few more months, to get even more money re-correcting the little gaps that had appeared (due to his incompetence in the first place), but due to my relapse of encephalitis (at least that's what they're calling it this time, but in fact they plain old just don't know) I have to go for an MRI scan next month, using really big magnets (not the crappy pseudoscientific ones you get in bracelets that are supposed to get the iron in your blood flowing better "or something" - what an insult to human intelligence) that would rip the sharp metal bits of my braces out of my head, in several (vitally inefficient) directions at once.
Also yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my first proper headache. And I don't mean a bit of dizziness due to watching TV for too long, I mean intracranial hypertension provoked by viral (although quite which virus is unclear) meningitis. Worse than the worst hangover imaginable, even from several Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, and I should know.
In the meantime I've been hanging out with the (mostly) non-complete-tools at www.skepticforum.com which is well worth a visit if you care about human rational thought at all. Recently I've realised that because I spend most of my time with averagely intelligent people, we should all be getting very worried about the bottom of the pile.
The cloud filling this particular silver lining is why they were taken off. Ideally the orthodontist would have had me were them a few more months, to get even more money re-correcting the little gaps that had appeared (due to his incompetence in the first place), but due to my relapse of encephalitis (at least that's what they're calling it this time, but in fact they plain old just don't know) I have to go for an MRI scan next month, using really big magnets (not the crappy pseudoscientific ones you get in bracelets that are supposed to get the iron in your blood flowing better "or something" - what an insult to human intelligence) that would rip the sharp metal bits of my braces out of my head, in several (vitally inefficient) directions at once.
Also yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my first proper headache. And I don't mean a bit of dizziness due to watching TV for too long, I mean intracranial hypertension provoked by viral (although quite which virus is unclear) meningitis. Worse than the worst hangover imaginable, even from several Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, and I should know.
In the meantime I've been hanging out with the (mostly) non-complete-tools at www.skepticforum.com which is well worth a visit if you care about human rational thought at all. Recently I've realised that because I spend most of my time with averagely intelligent people, we should all be getting very worried about the bottom of the pile.
Let me stand next to your fire
Just... wow. With extra-long exposure, so woooooooooooooooooooooooow. All of these were taken by me (except one by Antoine) in Krakow. There were more that didn't turn as nice, there a surprising amoun of luck involved when your camera is as cheap as mine.

Karo and Greg, this is for you.

That last picture is from Antoine's blog: link. And because he's such a (clever) nerd it's even licenced "under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0 France": link

Karo and Greg, this is for you.

That last picture is from Antoine's blog: link. And because he's such a (clever) nerd it's even licenced "under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0 France": link
Nie mowie po polsku.
("I don't speak Polish." I didn't know how to spell the words for "Sorry, I'm English." which was basically the rest of my grasp of that language.)
This one goes out to Filip, damn boy I which I had a name that was so nearly spelt the same as a Muse song. Oh and everyone else (Aga, to you I say: "perfunctory". Kasia: Mickey Mouse is punk and comfyhugs!). "What is zees number?" tu te reconnaîtras. Ah vive le symbolisme.
Can't we laugh and joke around
Remember cuddles in the kitchen
Yeah, to get things off the ground
And it was up, up and away
Oh, but it's right hard to remember
That on a day like today when you're all argumentative
And you've got the face on
Remember cuddles in the kitchen
Yeah, to get things off the ground
And it was up, up and away
Oh, but it's right hard to remember
That on a day like today when you're all argumentative
And you've got the face on
Still can't listen to the Arctic Monkeys without having to lie down in bed through all of it and end up really quite very nearly almost being late (haha kudos to the timekeeping!) for stuff.
Alive And Amplified
Yay, for I have received my 4-input dual-speaker stereo amp, including mic', plus 2 DS boxes, and it's very fucking loud.
Also, I'm going to Poland for a week. So what if it's not great for my studies? I can catch up. It's not like I'm missing two months like last year or anything, and I managed fine then. We get to see Auschwitz, which will be... "interesting" is all I shall say for now, but hopefully I will write more soon.
In the meantime, a little gem from history class:
Also, I'm going to Poland for a week. So what if it's not great for my studies? I can catch up. It's not like I'm missing two months like last year or anything, and I managed fine then. We get to see Auschwitz, which will be... "interesting" is all I shall say for now, but hopefully I will write more soon.
In the meantime, a little gem from history class:
The time might come when in your own country, on going to the cinema, you would be seeing American films sold for foreign consumption - and not those of the better quality, but those manufactured in greater quantity, and circulated and imposed abroad by the agents of powerful firms and cinema companies which have grown particularly rich during the war.
V.M. Molotov,
Problems of Foreign Policy, Speeches and Statements, April 1945-November 1948
Problems of Foreign Policy, Speeches and Statements, April 1945-November 1948
*sigh*... haaaah. at last, Gmail is working again, at least for now. So I get to read my e-mails about the plans I was making for LAST FUCKING WEEKEND!
Philosoppy of why?
I know perfectly well that shit happens, but still this repeated non-working of G-Mail is getting annoying. Anyone else had similar loading trouble? I hope I'm not the only one in this mess. I have vital unimportant gatherings to organise! I need G-Mail!
From being a pain in the arse, to having one.
Well, the story of my summer I now choose not to share in detail, because it wasn't the same as last year, I feel different, and doing so identically would be really bad generally. The purpose of my intrusion onto the Internet has evolved and telling people about what I do just for the sake of making them jealous is bloody pointless and mean and unfunny. So there. Incidentally, I went SCUBA diving in Marseille and surfing in Biarritz, with my first ever proper hangover at my cousin's while visiting Universities and gettting through London on that day when err nothing much actually happened and there was all that critical security fuss.
It's the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine.
Oh yeah and my arse is killing me because I went through surgery (general anaesthetic and all) to have a cyst removed from just below the smalll of my back. The op went fine and I'm recovering OK. Apart from feeling like I have a ping-pong ball strapped into me.
Today me and Alain marked the one year anniversary of the red bull adventures by having a litre of Kick (the amazingly good (and cheap!) Tesco clone) between us. Hence all this posting all of a suddenness. *twitch*
I have the solution to the problem of terrorists blowing planes: give the same amount of newspaper space to plane crashes as to car accidents, which kill loads of poeple every day; namely, zero. No coverage, no point. End of problem. But let's just hope no terrorists get the idea of putting a large suitcase bomb in the check-in cues, to which lots of people have access without going through any security, and are all crowded together. No need even for suicide. Inifinitely more efficient.
Today me and Alain marked the one year anniversary of the red bull adventures by having a litre of Kick (the amazingly good (and cheap!) Tesco clone) between us. Hence all this posting all of a suddenness. *twitch*
I have the solution to the problem of terrorists blowing planes: give the same amount of newspaper space to plane crashes as to car accidents, which kill loads of poeple every day; namely, zero. No coverage, no point. End of problem. But let's just hope no terrorists get the idea of putting a large suitcase bomb in the check-in cues, to which lots of people have access without going through any security, and are all crowded together. No need even for suicide. Inifinitely more efficient.
Back to school soon, last year ever, exams and stuff... Can't wait! Bring it on, want to see all my friends again. Oh and I moved house. A lot closer to town now so a lot more freedom.
The results are in...
My exam results, for those of you who might be curious, are:
Needless to say I'm pleased. The mere fact that it has got me round to posting should tell you.
Which means that so far my total is 78/80, and here's why:
Both French exams have a coefficent of 2, so that's (14*2+17*2)/(20*2+20*2) which is 62/80, and TPE, because it is an option (albeit a compulsory one) is entirely a bonus, with a coefficient of 2 for all points above 10 (18-10 = 8 so I get 8, coefficient 2, 8*2 = 16). So that's an extra 16 points towards my total, "for free", hence (62+16=78) 78/80, which is a rather good start. Although next year there are no more bonus points.
French Written: 14/20
French Oral: 17/20
TPE: 18/20
French Oral: 17/20
TPE: 18/20
Needless to say I'm pleased. The mere fact that it has got me round to posting should tell you.
Which means that so far my total is 78/80, and here's why:
Both French exams have a coefficent of 2, so that's (14*2+17*2)/(20*2+20*2) which is 62/80, and TPE, because it is an option (albeit a compulsory one) is entirely a bonus, with a coefficient of 2 for all points above 10 (18-10 = 8 so I get 8, coefficient 2, 8*2 = 16). So that's an extra 16 points towards my total, "for free", hence (62+16=78) 78/80, which is a rather good start. Although next year there are no more bonus points.
10 reasons why I'm not terribly convincing.
- Most of what I write is a walking paradox, including that.
- I don't write nearly regularly enough to be taken seriously.
- My humour isn't nearly universal enough, and I overdo it a lot.
- I don't care enough to take the time to explain problems fully enough for people who don't already know about it to become interested.
- I afford my readers far too much unattainable insight.
- When quoting, I'm too pedantic when it's not important.
- When quoting, I'm not sufficiently pedantic when it does matter.
- I'm not nearly modest enough.
- I write "ten reasons".
- Whatever
- I can't count.
- I don't write nearly regularly enough to be taken seriously.
- My humour isn't nearly universal enough, and I overdo it a lot.
- I don't care enough to take the time to explain problems fully enough for people who don't already know about it to become interested.
- I afford my readers far too much unattainable insight.
- When quoting, I'm too pedantic when it's not important.
- When quoting, I'm not sufficiently pedantic when it does matter.
- I'm not nearly modest enough.
- I write "ten reasons".
- Whatever
- I can't count.
The Be(a)st
You all know what I'm talking about, although I must admit exactly what was supposed to happen I'm not sure, this is another case of several different rumours.
Last tuesday.
I'll keep this succinct because I'm very hungry.
What must they have been thinking for the entire month of june in 1966? Well, a few West Germans must have been scared when England won the world cup...( although zat vass Yuly I peleaf.) Or in 1066? Battle of Hastings, anyone? (Although I'm not sure if at the time they called it 1066, or again if that was necessarily june (georgian calendar's more recent I think - speaking of which what happens if you use a different calendar? end of the world and you don't even know it! hm... Also, again I'm a litle hazy on this but that doesn't matter because I'm so unbelievably right about this anyway (proof = I am alive to write this), I think it says in Revelations that 666 is "the number of the Beast"... what the hell? I hope some farmer somewhere got bitten by his sheep marked #666 just for the fun of it... I think God might be a little less predictable than just using the date, which is an approximation anyway. Whatever happened to Infinte Wisdom?))
Come on people, this is nothing special.
Besides, at the time of the writing of the Bible, they used Roman numerals so "Six hundred three score and six" (as it says in my version of Revelations) would have been written DCLXVI (500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 ; notice how that's one of each (apart from M (1000)). So I think I'll get scared when the date is DCLXVI, because that would be special.
It's no big deal!
And what would you say had humans had evolved (yes that did happen) only having 8 fingers? That way we would have a whole different system of counting and 6/6/6 would have happened ages ago. Or if we had only thought of counting on 1 hand? 6 would even exist!
Uch, woo-woo land can be fun, but not when taken so damn seriously. Reason and science- they work! And there's no denying it... you can read, can't you?
You all know what I'm talking about, although I must admit exactly what was supposed to happen I'm not sure, this is another case of several different rumours.
Last tuesday.
I'll keep this succinct because I'm very hungry.
What must they have been thinking for the entire month of june in 1966? Well, a few West Germans must have been scared when England won the world cup...( although zat vass Yuly I peleaf.) Or in 1066? Battle of Hastings, anyone? (Although I'm not sure if at the time they called it 1066, or again if that was necessarily june (georgian calendar's more recent I think - speaking of which what happens if you use a different calendar? end of the world and you don't even know it! hm... Also, again I'm a litle hazy on this but that doesn't matter because I'm so unbelievably right about this anyway (proof = I am alive to write this), I think it says in Revelations that 666 is "the number of the Beast"... what the hell? I hope some farmer somewhere got bitten by his sheep marked #666 just for the fun of it... I think God might be a little less predictable than just using the date, which is an approximation anyway. Whatever happened to Infinte Wisdom?))
Come on people, this is nothing special.
Besides, at the time of the writing of the Bible, they used Roman numerals so "Six hundred three score and six" (as it says in my version of Revelations) would have been written DCLXVI (500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 ; notice how that's one of each (apart from M (1000)). So I think I'll get scared when the date is DCLXVI, because that would be special.
It's no big deal!
And what would you say had humans had evolved (yes that did happen) only having 8 fingers? That way we would have a whole different system of counting and 6/6/6 would have happened ages ago. Or if we had only thought of counting on 1 hand? 6 would even exist!
Uch, woo-woo land can be fun, but not when taken so damn seriously. Reason and science- they work! And there's no denying it... you can read, can't you?
One of the most genuinely entertaining msn conversations I've ever had (especially because I had a headache). Now, for the sake of keeping it kinda special or whatever, I'm not going o give you all of it, just the absolute number one higlight.
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:
@£€% // St. Jimmy says:
@£€% // St. Jimmy says:
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:
so why do you hate french so much?
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:
don't you, um... live in france?
@£€% // St. Jimmy says:
@£€% // St. Jimmy says:
"absence makes the heart grow fonder" ... therefore by inverse extension, spending too much time with someone makes you sick of them. i've spent my entire life around french people, so i hate them. but don't ell them i said that
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:awww. what a shame.
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:...
- S+eph - We live in an age obssessed with success says:i see what you mean though.
Some things I think (Nothing Else Matters)
Right, serious post now.
Not just random anything, but still most things that just go through my mind while I listen to rock music, so be warned. Free typing or something. I had some ideas for something to say, which I can still remember so here goes....
I realised posts were getting a little spaced out in time, so here's one to read in the meantime, a sort of update on generally what's been happening to me, while I think of somehting I really want to say. I could have mentioned what happened during the holidays, like going GeoCaching with Alain and my dad in the Doubs, getting 20 in three days (Excellent, we beat our total for one day in France (it's now 8, 2 better than before)) and seeing loads of snow and generally having a great weekend. Then the following weekend was my uncle's wedding, so I had to go out and get a suit, which made me look very classy indeed. That whole weekend over in London was really good, because I got to see my Grandparents again (they're at that age where every time you see them might be the last), and lots of new extended family who are all really nice, although we're having a hard time working out exactly what they are in relation to me. My mum's brother's wife's brother = ??? And I met up with Nat for a chat, which was great despite the stupid rhyme. And dad broke his record for most caches in one day anywhere, now it's 12 (!), including the travel bug hotel near Stansted. Then after a week of vaguely homeworking (teachers seem to have forgotten about that *again*) and missing Tamara, there was the Artefacts festival, where I saw Kagerou, who were awesome. Now I know how french-speakers feel when they listen to most music (ijn english) - I couldn't understand a word, and had it not being obviously Japanese it would have sounded like Greek to me. After them was Less Than Jake, who are definitely worth it live (never been terribly impressed by the records, but these guys know how to party). Finally it was the Dropkick Murphys, on the last date of their Warrior's Code European Tour. What can I say? They really went for it. I bought a T-shirt. Drinks were pretty cheap too. It's surprising how many big-name bands actually bother to come to Strasbourg. All in all a pretty nifty 18 days' holiday. And then was the school party (finally) on Thursday. This was extra cool because I got to pay nothing and bluff a free drink! Oh and the bands were all really good, even though we screwed up our best song for no obvious reason and I was too loud (the typical problem). And this weekend I saw some really good movies, like Donnie Darko and American Beauty (must get round to finding out about American Brains - related? got to be really) and the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was better than I had expected. Plus cricket on Sunday, which was good (perfect weather), first game of the season. I still haven't got round to playing properly, but I had a good catch-up chat with friends, and played mini-cricket with Alfie, who's now the 3 years old and phenomenally cute and well-behaved. And bloody strong. Today was my Mock French (written) Bac. 4 hours of insincere bluffing about some very good texts that we are forced to butcher horribly (<~~ "redondance, soit une acculmuation révelatrice d'une émotion forte"- see what I mean?). BUt otherwise, things are running pretty smoothly.
Et voilà, not quite what i had intended (that's what you get with improv though), leave lots of comments people!
Not just random anything, but still most things that just go through my mind while I listen to rock music, so be warned. Free typing or something. I had some ideas for something to say, which I can still remember so here goes....
I realised posts were getting a little spaced out in time, so here's one to read in the meantime, a sort of update on generally what's been happening to me, while I think of somehting I really want to say. I could have mentioned what happened during the holidays, like going GeoCaching with Alain and my dad in the Doubs, getting 20 in three days (Excellent, we beat our total for one day in France (it's now 8, 2 better than before)) and seeing loads of snow and generally having a great weekend. Then the following weekend was my uncle's wedding, so I had to go out and get a suit, which made me look very classy indeed. That whole weekend over in London was really good, because I got to see my Grandparents again (they're at that age where every time you see them might be the last), and lots of new extended family who are all really nice, although we're having a hard time working out exactly what they are in relation to me. My mum's brother's wife's brother = ??? And I met up with Nat for a chat, which was great despite the stupid rhyme. And dad broke his record for most caches in one day anywhere, now it's 12 (!), including the travel bug hotel near Stansted. Then after a week of vaguely homeworking (teachers seem to have forgotten about that *again*) and missing Tamara, there was the Artefacts festival, where I saw Kagerou, who were awesome. Now I know how french-speakers feel when they listen to most music (ijn english) - I couldn't understand a word, and had it not being obviously Japanese it would have sounded like Greek to me. After them was Less Than Jake, who are definitely worth it live (never been terribly impressed by the records, but these guys know how to party). Finally it was the Dropkick Murphys, on the last date of their Warrior's Code European Tour. What can I say? They really went for it. I bought a T-shirt. Drinks were pretty cheap too. It's surprising how many big-name bands actually bother to come to Strasbourg. All in all a pretty nifty 18 days' holiday. And then was the school party (finally) on Thursday. This was extra cool because I got to pay nothing and bluff a free drink! Oh and the bands were all really good, even though we screwed up our best song for no obvious reason and I was too loud (the typical problem). And this weekend I saw some really good movies, like Donnie Darko and American Beauty (must get round to finding out about American Brains - related? got to be really) and the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was better than I had expected. Plus cricket on Sunday, which was good (perfect weather), first game of the season. I still haven't got round to playing properly, but I had a good catch-up chat with friends, and played mini-cricket with Alfie, who's now the 3 years old and phenomenally cute and well-behaved. And bloody strong. Today was my Mock French (written) Bac. 4 hours of insincere bluffing about some very good texts that we are forced to butcher horribly (<~~ "redondance, soit une acculmuation révelatrice d'une émotion forte"- see what I mean?). BUt otherwise, things are running pretty smoothly.
Et voilà, not quite what i had intended (that's what you get with improv though), leave lots of comments people!
Muslims in Orbit
From JREF's Swift, because I just had to, this is so great:
Next year, we’re told, Malaysia will be sending a Muslim astronaut into space via the Russian space program. This poses several tricky problems for the Malaysian government's efforts to promote what it calls “Islam Hadhari,” or civilized Islam. This variation encourages Muslims to embrace education, science and technology. About equality for women and such other basics, we’re not told…

Consider the busy day of an astronaut, and know that a Muslim on board the space station will be confounded by the fact that he experiences more than a dozen sunrises and sunsets within each 24 hours, each event requiring that an appropriate prayer be offered. He’ll be very busy. And, since Muslims always wash before they pray, and water is a precious substance in space, attempting to wash up is also expensive and impractical, especially in weightlessness, where the water will be distributed all over the place.
Even before facing those difficulties, facing Mecca – essential for prayer – will be pretty tough in zero-gravity, and may lead to catastrophic spinning of the devotee as he tries to keep pointing toward a rapidly-moving target below.
As reader Andrew Williams comments, “It appears that Muslims might have to evolve in their views regarding life in space. Unfortunately, evolution runs against the grain in most religions.”
Progress has its penalties…

Consider the busy day of an astronaut, and know that a Muslim on board the space station will be confounded by the fact that he experiences more than a dozen sunrises and sunsets within each 24 hours, each event requiring that an appropriate prayer be offered. He’ll be very busy. And, since Muslims always wash before they pray, and water is a precious substance in space, attempting to wash up is also expensive and impractical, especially in weightlessness, where the water will be distributed all over the place.
Even before facing those difficulties, facing Mecca – essential for prayer – will be pretty tough in zero-gravity, and may lead to catastrophic spinning of the devotee as he tries to keep pointing toward a rapidly-moving target below.
As reader Andrew Williams comments, “It appears that Muslims might have to evolve in their views regarding life in space. Unfortunately, evolution runs against the grain in most religions.”
Progress has its penalties…
I'm not entirely sure Mohammed would approve, although I have a bit of an idea what he might look like...
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Ah holidays...
As he lays...
Happy days...
Thinking of all the ways...
things could be worse...
That's what he'll do first...
Then be glad
That he's not sad.
Again and repeatedly
Easter bunny is eating me
Radiator is heating me.
Loud music is hitting me.
Nothing to do and it's great.
Total initiative innovative reiterative.
As he lays...
Happy days...
Thinking of all the ways...
things could be worse...
That's what he'll do first...
Then be glad
That he's not sad.
Again and repeatedly
Easter bunny is eating me
Radiator is heating me.
Loud music is hitting me.
Nothing to do and it's great.
Total initiative innovative reiterative.
Yes, that is a word, based on Logorrhea (not sure if I've spelt that correctly, plus this google spellcheck is a Yankee), by the way. And yes Logorrhea, before you ask, is also a real word. Look it up. It means excessive outpourings of verbiage (verbal diarrhea (again with the spelling), if you like (who is sick enough to like that idea???)). Chatter chatter chatter natter. Mad as a hatter. ratter. not a word but it should be. splatter. yuck. hazaa the wonders of infinitude!
Well, today saw more action in the glorious struggle against the oppressors. There was a successful blockade of the 2 main entrances round the front of school, which meant we had to walk all the way round to the back to get in. There was no way they could ever block that one, what with
a) the police looking menacing
b) almost every able-bodied member of staff (except those on strike) getting in the way
c) the fact that those doors will probably survive WW3.
And at lunch they (admin) put on a barbecue in the courtyard, and brought out the stereo (playing some good stuff, too), so people who didn't want to go outside didn't have to. Plus the weather was really nice. On the whole quite a nice time really. I felt sorry for the stupid sods sitting in front of the gates looking ridiculous and getting cold in the permanent shade of the buildings accross the street. As for lessons, they were really relaxed, there were presicely 7 (5 then 2) of us in German class, out of a usual 20 -odd (10ish then 10ish). Overall, as I said, a good day. Thursday and Friday are rumoured to be big days for the demos AGAIN (you'd think they'd get the point after a while, WE AREN'T BLOODY LISTENING!), all I know is that I have plenty of work to do tomorrow afternoon (yeah, the teachers seem to have all woken about that at the same time) for Thursday and Friday, and I don't want my efforts spoiled by sodding cancellations. Oh who am I kidding of course I want it all cancelled!
a) the police looking menacing
b) almost every able-bodied member of staff (except those on strike) getting in the way
c) the fact that those doors will probably survive WW3.
And at lunch they (admin) put on a barbecue in the courtyard, and brought out the stereo (playing some good stuff, too), so people who didn't want to go outside didn't have to. Plus the weather was really nice. On the whole quite a nice time really. I felt sorry for the stupid sods sitting in front of the gates looking ridiculous and getting cold in the permanent shade of the buildings accross the street. As for lessons, they were really relaxed, there were presicely 7 (5 then 2) of us in German class, out of a usual 20 -odd (10ish then 10ish). Overall, as I said, a good day. Thursday and Friday are rumoured to be big days for the demos AGAIN (you'd think they'd get the point after a while, WE AREN'T BLOODY LISTENING!), all I know is that I have plenty of work to do tomorrow afternoon (yeah, the teachers seem to have all woken about that at the same time) for Thursday and Friday, and I don't want my efforts spoiled by sodding cancellations. Oh who am I kidding of course I want it all cancelled!
In other news, I've recently discovered www.therockradio.com, which is really good, with no adverts or azerts or qwerts or anything. So go listen to that!
Blasphemy, a blast for me.
Hehe here's a joke:
When I grow up, I'm going to force my way into power and found the Fourth Reich, and I will exterminate all the Jews and 1 clown.
Why 1 clown?
See, nobody cares about the Jews!
When I grow up, I'm going to force my way into power and found the Fourth Reich, and I will exterminate all the Jews and 1 clown.
Why 1 clown?
See, nobody cares about the Jews!
Disclaimer: I am not a nazi. I mean, sure it would be good if there were a few fewer clowns around, but that's as far as this goes. Although it is sad how often people fall for it.
I don't want to be too soppy about this, but it's sick how used to this sort of shit people are.
Desensitized to evil, eh?
Desensitized to evil, eh?
I've met God and She was black.
To lighten the mood in these trying times (sounds like he 70's or something), here's Something Completely Different I wrote back in 4eme in English class and got 10/10 for:
There was an old teacher of French,
Who always slept on a bench.
His teeth were black, and covered with plaque;
That nasty old teacher of French.
Who always slept on a bench.
His teeth were black, and covered with plaque;
That nasty old teacher of French.
At the time I believe that one was based on real-life evidence.
There was a young man of Bahrain,
who wanted to jump from a plane.
He went to Iraq, but never came back;
That silly young man from Bahrain.
who wanted to jump from a plane.
He went to Iraq, but never came back;
That silly young man from Bahrain.
CPE / Party on! (NOT) / I Predict A Riot.
Well, where to start with this one eh?
I'll work from now and go backwards.
The school party was meant to be this evening, right now in fact. But it has been cancelled. Or at least, postponed. Which is a shame, because it was going to be a lot of fun for all involved.
*All the above was Thursday 23rd, when my Internet connection sort of decided to die out on me.*
Now it's Sunday, and Friday has happened. Oh and Saturday too but nothing much happened to this then.
This is all about this messy CPE business.
There are several things that need talking about here. What is the CPE? What do people think about it and what are they doing? What does that mean for me?
Oh dear oh deary me, it seems I've started writing as if it were for the Bac. Or something. Shit.
CPE stands (at the moment and in this context) for Contrat Première Embauche (or Emploi, whichchangess the meaning completely, but no-one seems able to agree which it is. That happens a lot in this story (For yes, it is a story!).)
Now, here are thecharacteristicss of this thing, as they have been told to me over the last few weeks by various people and papers and such:
with this contract, an employer can fire an employee:
-for no reason
-for any reason, even ones clearly outlawed by various working laws (like racism and sexism and them)
-with no warning
-with two weeks' warning
-with noindemnitiess
-withindemnitiess (2 months' pay)
-with indemnities (2 months' pay and unemployment benefits for 4 months after that)
-with indemnities (7 months' pay)
-the employeereceivess no pay until the end of the 2-year contract so if they get fired before that they get no money errr...Noo, this is clearly bollocks.Thee way pay works is that every month you get your salary.Thee person who told me this seems to be a quite an induhvidual)
-this contract only applies to companies with fewer than 20 employees
-this contract only applies to companies with more than 20 employees
-this contract only applies to people without their Bac.
-this contract applies to everyone, or will eventually, regardless of age or diplomas
-this contract only applies to people under the age of 26
-this contract only applies to people under the age of 26 and above the age of 18
-this contract is alreadyenforceablee law
-this contract is not yetenforceablee law and is yet to go through Parliament
-this contract is being reviewed
I feel I need not go on. Just that little list shows that mass hysteria and exaggeration has set in, rendering the whole argument pointless, because the facts have been completely ignored (by both pro- and anti- parties alike).
Whatever the case may be in all of those variables, it all comes down to this:
The beginning, obviously, but how far back do I go? Because
"first there were the dinosaurs, but they all got big and fat and all died out, and then The Arabs came and they all bought Mercedes-Benzes..."
I'll work from now and go backwards.
The school party was meant to be this evening, right now in fact. But it has been cancelled. Or at least, postponed. Which is a shame, because it was going to be a lot of fun for all involved.
*All the above was Thursday 23rd, when my Internet connection sort of decided to die out on me.*
Now it's Sunday, and Friday has happened. Oh and Saturday too but nothing much happened to this then.
This is all about this messy CPE business.
There are several things that need talking about here. What is the CPE? What do people think about it and what are they doing? What does that mean for me?
Oh dear oh deary me, it seems I've started writing as if it were for the Bac. Or something. Shit.
CPE stands (at the moment and in this context) for Contrat Première Embauche (or Emploi, whichchangess the meaning completely, but no-one seems able to agree which it is. That happens a lot in this story (For yes, it is a story!).)
Now, here are thecharacteristicss of this thing, as they have been told to me over the last few weeks by various people and papers and such:
with this contract, an employer can fire an employee:
-for no reason
-for any reason, even ones clearly outlawed by various working laws (like racism and sexism and them)
-with no warning
-with two weeks' warning
-with noindemnitiess
-withindemnitiess (2 months' pay)
-with indemnities (2 months' pay and unemployment benefits for 4 months after that)
-with indemnities (7 months' pay)
-the employeereceivess no pay until the end of the 2-year contract so if they get fired before that they get no money errr...Noo, this is clearly bollocks.Thee way pay works is that every month you get your salary.Thee person who told me this seems to be a quite an induhvidual)
-this contract only applies to companies with fewer than 20 employees
-this contract only applies to companies with more than 20 employees
-this contract only applies to people without their Bac.
-this contract applies to everyone, or will eventually, regardless of age or diplomas
-this contract only applies to people under the age of 26
-this contract only applies to people under the age of 26 and above the age of 18
-this contract is alreadyenforceablee law
-this contract is not yetenforceablee law and is yet to go through Parliament
-this contract is being reviewed
I feel I need not go on. Just that little list shows that mass hysteria and exaggeration has set in, rendering the whole argument pointless, because the facts have been completely ignored (by both pro- and anti- parties alike).
Whatever the case may be in all of those variables, it all comes down to this:
In France, until recently, it was very hard to fire people, because of the way things (don't) work here as regards economy generally. All this new contract is going to change is the fact that France will now be set up exactly the same as the rest of the world, which is going to happen anyway, sooner or later, because of the globalization of Good Ideas.
Under the old system, as I say, it was virtually impossible to fire people for Being A Dolt. Now, itis goingg to be a lot easier. This will shift the useless people out of the cushy life-long employment (as opposed to career, which implies progress) and get them to work harder to keep their jobs and thus make things improve. It's basically going to filter better workers into better jobs more easily. Which is a Good Thing.
Under the old system, as I say, it was virtually impossible to fire people for Being A Dolt. Now, itis goingg to be a lot easier. This will shift the useless people out of the cushy life-long employment (as opposed to career, which implies progress) and get them to work harder to keep their jobs and thus make things improve. It's basically going to filter better workers into better jobs more easily. Which is a Good Thing.
What it ISN'T is a huge conspiracy by the Government to try and force even more young people into poverty, as the latest propaganda would have onebelieve. Itt is exactly the opposite. It is destined to replace endless scattered stages with actual previous work experience credit that goes on you CV saying "this person is not a useless twit". The only change I might make would be to reduce the probation time to one instead of two years, but that's just me. I'm not the Government, however, and I haven't asked lots of reputable economists, because I'm just a lazy sod. I like a challenge though, so I reckon on the whole it is a good idea.
It seems, however, that I am in a minority in this (Well, no, actually, because Parliament voted this thing through (albeit (apparently) by using somewhat dubious by-passes to get it done quicker (Good Thing again, though)) and therefore the majority like it, because that's the way democracy works. It's the Left's own silly fault the Right got in at the last election because they're all too divided into thirteenMickeyy-mouse joke parties all saying they're purest and all getting knocked out after the first round of the badly-designed elections).
There have been demonstrations going off Left, Right and Centre (literally, even the fonctionnaires have been threatening this (somewhat ironically if you know anything about anything)). And it's not like usually when there's one and then everyone tells the people who disagree "look mate you're wrong we're right this is a good idea and just deal with it and shut up". Oh no, this is being done "properly". They really aren't giving up. Really, next Tuesday it's the transport people.(I don't reckon they should have the right to go on strike, but of course, I'm wrong.)
And of course, in the standard way, it's all been going horribly wrong. Cities are being torn up by this thing, especially Paris. It reminds of the problems they had at the end of last year (what the hell happened to that news item eh?). It seem typically French at the moment (please correct me) to just burn cars and smash windows whenever you're displeased (like the dock-workers in Strasbourg about a month (?) ago).
My experience (of course) of it all is mainly with the students, who will be most affected by the change (That's another part of it all - this new thing constitutes a Change, and regardless of the fact that it is a Good One, People tend to fear Changes generally and thus dislike them.). The main talk of last week was about the Occupation of the University.They totally trashed the place. Which of course makes them look unbelievably credible and intelligent in the eyes of the important people. There was also the sad news of the death of one guy I used to eat lunch with last year, who turned out to be a heroin addict (you really couldn't tell) who OD'd. At least, that was the best guess around on the news, but because they stopped talking about it before the autopsy reports were published (that evening), no-one really knows for sure (again with the rumours in this affair) how he died. They just found him in the halls of the University one morning, stone dead. No needle marks either, which makes it even more interesting for the journalist scum.
At my school, there have been several big(ish) events in the past weeks. Usually, the place basically runs itself (luckily, too because our Gestapo are seriously understaffed, which is now showing), but this impending doom that is better work for better workers seems to have gotten several personsmostt agitated.
On Friday of last week (17th) There was yet another of these demos going off outside, and accordingly theadministrationn, fearing for the safety of both students and property, locked the gates so that no-one that wasn't supposed to could get in. Everyone who was supposed to already had. The reverse side of the coin was that no-one could get out. That wasn't too much of a problem, though,becausee no-one in their right mind would want to and no-one really needed to...
- So she goes and writes a sign that says "Locked in" / "I am locked in" (I'm not sure, I heard both. That doesn't make a huge difference but the punctuation would and I wasn't told what it was... go figure)
- So she starts writing a text of some kind (not sure again, this was from a teacher, do with that what you will.)
- So she does both of the above and starts shouting.
-ditto without the shouting.
(Anybody sympathise with the confusion I'm feeling as regards establishing facts to base an opinion on?)
In any case, the headmistress found out and disapproved. Again, where she was at the time varies from standing write next to the incident to completely away from the school. In any case, no matter what the variables, the stupident was expelled for 2 (or 3, depending) days. This of course upset quite a few of her friends, and quite a few people who didn't have a clue. So on came the "silent protest", white arm bands and all. Although, come to think of it,itt wasn't really all that "silent". They really made quite a racket in lunch. I almost couldn't hear myself being skeptical. If they had offered me a torn piece of lab-coat I'd have blown my nose in it, but they had noticed me in my corner of friends trying to tell them that one shouldn't do politics in school and that provoking the administration like that was just foolish, so they left me alone. The menacing growls helped a bit, too.
That was Monday 20th. On theTuesday came the proper demos in school. I don't know exactly who it was or how many of them there were, but reports suggest less than 50, just shouting a bit loudly, sitting in the courtyard singing and walking around the halls disrupting classes a bit. I don't care, I was being a good law-abiding (hey we did sign the rules!Aa promise is a promise) student. Plus now we'll get loads of sympathy points for the difficulty it caused as we tried to concentrate on the geography test. Bonus. So that lasted about an hour altogether, and simultaneously (see what wonderful words you can speel if you just pay attention in class and read a bit? I rest my case) (yes I did mean to spell "speel", it's Dutch for "play" ...Gett it? haha) on the other side of the building were the real demos against the CPE and the government generally, so it was sort of stereo-effect. Pretty loud. Pretty pathetic. Pretty ugly.
Wednesday went down without too much real trouble (come on, you don't really expect people to annoy a school for only a half-day, do you? Plus they were all shagged out from beating up cops (you should see the injury statistics!) the previous day, they need a break now and then and in between. Not easy being on strike.).
Thursday was when it started actually affecting me, and for "affecting" read "bloody well annoying". Some idiots went around town advertising (putting signs up and all, apparently) the fact that our school was having a party that evening and inviting everyone to come gatecrash. Admin found out and cancelled the party for fear of safety issues, because they hadn't thought of hiring Securitas or someone, and the only thing between the masses and the classes would have been a few teachers. So good call, best of a bad situation crap and rather irritating.
Friday we were all a bit quieter again (again, can't expect them to express their opinions violently 2 days in a row now can we? I mean it's not like they actually believe in it or anything is it? Plus nobody works Fridays nowadays (which reminds me of that Japanese Ambassador in Paris who made an official offer of 6 billion Yen for theFrenchh to give Japan the secret to getting 35 hours into a single day) so they can hardly go on strike then.) Then it was the weekend, when everyone needs their lie-in of course. That's the trouble with France, we're all too lazy (seriously, I should write sometime about Sunday lunch/Dinner in this country). Hence people fearing for their jobs if it's slightly easier to fire them for being lazy. See, this all fits together eh? The only thing of note was the pathetic attempt at a blockade put up by the anti-s. Which got mowed down by us lot who were much less disciplined about "make peace not war". I say set the pace not bar, or something. There were at least two reasonably serious injuries, which is not bad considering the number of people involved (this means either: there were so few that 2 is a fair share to make it seem impressive, or their were so many that only 2 is a relief that it wasn't worse). I can tell you some poor hippy's short-sharp-four-letter-interjection vocabulary was somewhat expanded in the thirty seconds it took me to push through. There were all gone by 10 past 8 anyway. Oh and they keep having their stupid General Assemblies, all 50 of them, hey really are cute thinking they're all big and stuff and coming to decisions and stuff. Aw...
So Monday came around again, and in the evening it is announced that because Marc Bloch University, having been invaded, had voted to invade our school (we've made a bit of jealousy recently with the publishing of our Bac. results in the local paper, and the poor turn-out to riots, amongst other things), lessons would be cancelled all day Tuesday. Hey, I'm not cmplaining, my attitude towards the whole situation is "It's a fuck-up, it'll sort itself out eventually, in the meantime... MILK IT!" So Tuesday was fun. Again, wednesday-thursday same deal as before, cool-off time, plus the weather wasn't terribly great. (Apart from TPE of course, but I'm sick of that so I probably won't mention it any more than that, except maybe to say that all these days of cancelled school are moving everybody else's around and I'm just glad mine's over!)
Friday, however, was interesting. Ten o'clock comes around and a huge crowd forms at the front gate. It's the demo, of course, come to invade. So we close the gates. Then the hippies have their sit-down. I counted (oh yes, that's how few they were, countable from close up), there were exactly 47 of them at their most numerous stage.Now they had this sign up, saying "Résistance", which was big, but it wasn't terribly clever, because it led to quite a bit of confusion as to their position. Clearly they were being annoying and generally in-the-way, but who it was aimed at wasn't entirely obvious. Were they resisting the evil fascist government and the CPE, or were they resisting the invasion (like everyone else, who were being much more effective just standing up), or both? Feeling provocative, I would have loved to have had signing-making equipment on me right there to write out "Collaboration over here" or something.. But I am too much of a "don'tgiveafuckist" to be that prepared, and I resent myself for it. Keeps me safe though. So after that escalated a bit, with lots of silly shouting, admin decided to pull the plug. After all, they could hardly let us back into the building (oh yes, they had EVACUATED, sirens and all) now that we were all out and stuff. Too dangerous really. So school was cancelled for the rest of the day. Fun fun fun. Second time in a week.
Now, Monday 3rd April, there is much talk of school being cancelled again tomorrow as well. The plan apparently is for the Marc Bloch Uni lot to come round and barricade the gates properly, with planks of wood and things. Big heavy things. Which will have to be pretty impressive if it's to work. Entirely illegal of course. So if the police get called again (oh yeah, apparently it got quite a bit worse out in the street after I scarpered (hey, I am in no physical condition to start getting into brawls yet) off on that Friday), I have at least two teachers' express recommendation to "stay the hell away". So I've sent out plenty of requests to friends to send me txts and call me BEFORE I leave tomorrow if it turns out that would be pointless. Oh yeah, my maths teacher's on strike (despite Chirac's improvement of the law, which he had said would be enough to convince him, the lying rotter), so I get the morning off. Yeah, start at 10 usually, but if he's not there, that means I start at one (you see, MILKING IT) in the afternoon. Life is sweet. Plus the geography teacher's off on jury-duty for TPE, which means of my 6 hours I'm meant to have tomorrow, only 2 are still happening (1-2 german and 4-5 french), so it'll be no big loss if I don't go at all. And the rest, (apart from the funny spelling sometimes which is a glitch in the spell-checker, i've just realised, so anything wrong I can blame on that because it is the truth), as they, say, is history. Or at least, it will be.
It seems, however, that I am in a minority in this (Well, no, actually, because Parliament voted this thing through (albeit (apparently) by using somewhat dubious by-passes to get it done quicker (Good Thing again, though)) and therefore the majority like it, because that's the way democracy works. It's the Left's own silly fault the Right got in at the last election because they're all too divided into thirteenMickeyy-mouse joke parties all saying they're purest and all getting knocked out after the first round of the badly-designed elections).
There have been demonstrations going off Left, Right and Centre (literally, even the fonctionnaires have been threatening this (somewhat ironically if you know anything about anything)). And it's not like usually when there's one and then everyone tells the people who disagree "look mate you're wrong we're right this is a good idea and just deal with it and shut up". Oh no, this is being done "properly". They really aren't giving up. Really, next Tuesday it's the transport people.(I don't reckon they should have the right to go on strike, but of course, I'm wrong.)
And of course, in the standard way, it's all been going horribly wrong. Cities are being torn up by this thing, especially Paris. It reminds of the problems they had at the end of last year (what the hell happened to that news item eh?). It seem typically French at the moment (please correct me) to just burn cars and smash windows whenever you're displeased (like the dock-workers in Strasbourg about a month (?) ago).
My experience (of course) of it all is mainly with the students, who will be most affected by the change (That's another part of it all - this new thing constitutes a Change, and regardless of the fact that it is a Good One, People tend to fear Changes generally and thus dislike them.). The main talk of last week was about the Occupation of the University.They totally trashed the place. Which of course makes them look unbelievably credible and intelligent in the eyes of the important people. There was also the sad news of the death of one guy I used to eat lunch with last year, who turned out to be a heroin addict (you really couldn't tell) who OD'd. At least, that was the best guess around on the news, but because they stopped talking about it before the autopsy reports were published (that evening), no-one really knows for sure (again with the rumours in this affair) how he died. They just found him in the halls of the University one morning, stone dead. No needle marks either, which makes it even more interesting for the journalist scum.
At my school, there have been several big(ish) events in the past weeks. Usually, the place basically runs itself (luckily, too because our Gestapo are seriously understaffed, which is now showing), but this impending doom that is better work for better workers seems to have gotten several personsmostt agitated.
On Friday of last week (17th) There was yet another of these demos going off outside, and accordingly theadministrationn, fearing for the safety of both students and property, locked the gates so that no-one that wasn't supposed to could get in. Everyone who was supposed to already had. The reverse side of the coin was that no-one could get out. That wasn't too much of a problem, though,becausee no-one in their right mind would want to and no-one really needed to...
(Being continued Sunday 2nd April)
Except, of course, there just had to be one person who really wanted to get out (of her mind). She's one of those arty types. Yes I do realise what I just said. Duh. Now comes a bit with several different versions, and I'll tell you all of them and you can take your pick.- So she goes and writes a sign that says "Locked in" / "I am locked in" (I'm not sure, I heard both. That doesn't make a huge difference but the punctuation would and I wasn't told what it was... go figure)
- So she starts writing a text of some kind (not sure again, this was from a teacher, do with that what you will.)
- So she does both of the above and starts shouting.
-ditto without the shouting.
(Anybody sympathise with the confusion I'm feeling as regards establishing facts to base an opinion on?)
In any case, the headmistress found out and disapproved. Again, where she was at the time varies from standing write next to the incident to completely away from the school. In any case, no matter what the variables, the stupident was expelled for 2 (or 3, depending) days. This of course upset quite a few of her friends, and quite a few people who didn't have a clue. So on came the "silent protest", white arm bands and all. Although, come to think of it,itt wasn't really all that "silent". They really made quite a racket in lunch. I almost couldn't hear myself being skeptical. If they had offered me a torn piece of lab-coat I'd have blown my nose in it, but they had noticed me in my corner of friends trying to tell them that one shouldn't do politics in school and that provoking the administration like that was just foolish, so they left me alone. The menacing growls helped a bit, too.
That was Monday 20th. On theTuesday came the proper demos in school. I don't know exactly who it was or how many of them there were, but reports suggest less than 50, just shouting a bit loudly, sitting in the courtyard singing and walking around the halls disrupting classes a bit. I don't care, I was being a good law-abiding (hey we did sign the rules!Aa promise is a promise) student. Plus now we'll get loads of sympathy points for the difficulty it caused as we tried to concentrate on the geography test. Bonus. So that lasted about an hour altogether, and simultaneously (see what wonderful words you can speel if you just pay attention in class and read a bit? I rest my case) (yes I did mean to spell "speel", it's Dutch for "play" ...Gett it? haha) on the other side of the building were the real demos against the CPE and the government generally, so it was sort of stereo-effect. Pretty loud. Pretty pathetic. Pretty ugly.
Wednesday went down without too much real trouble (come on, you don't really expect people to annoy a school for only a half-day, do you? Plus they were all shagged out from beating up cops (you should see the injury statistics!) the previous day, they need a break now and then and in between. Not easy being on strike.).
Thursday was when it started actually affecting me, and for "affecting" read "bloody well annoying". Some idiots went around town advertising (putting signs up and all, apparently) the fact that our school was having a party that evening and inviting everyone to come gatecrash. Admin found out and cancelled the party for fear of safety issues, because they hadn't thought of hiring Securitas or someone, and the only thing between the masses and the classes would have been a few teachers. So good call, best of a bad situation crap and rather irritating.
Friday we were all a bit quieter again (again, can't expect them to express their opinions violently 2 days in a row now can we? I mean it's not like they actually believe in it or anything is it? Plus nobody works Fridays nowadays (which reminds me of that Japanese Ambassador in Paris who made an official offer of 6 billion Yen for theFrenchh to give Japan the secret to getting 35 hours into a single day) so they can hardly go on strike then.) Then it was the weekend, when everyone needs their lie-in of course. That's the trouble with France, we're all too lazy (seriously, I should write sometime about Sunday lunch/Dinner in this country). Hence people fearing for their jobs if it's slightly easier to fire them for being lazy. See, this all fits together eh? The only thing of note was the pathetic attempt at a blockade put up by the anti-s. Which got mowed down by us lot who were much less disciplined about "make peace not war". I say set the pace not bar, or something. There were at least two reasonably serious injuries, which is not bad considering the number of people involved (this means either: there were so few that 2 is a fair share to make it seem impressive, or their were so many that only 2 is a relief that it wasn't worse). I can tell you some poor hippy's short-sharp-four-letter-interjection vocabulary was somewhat expanded in the thirty seconds it took me to push through. There were all gone by 10 past 8 anyway. Oh and they keep having their stupid General Assemblies, all 50 of them, hey really are cute thinking they're all big and stuff and coming to decisions and stuff. Aw...
So Monday came around again, and in the evening it is announced that because Marc Bloch University, having been invaded, had voted to invade our school (we've made a bit of jealousy recently with the publishing of our Bac. results in the local paper, and the poor turn-out to riots, amongst other things), lessons would be cancelled all day Tuesday. Hey, I'm not cmplaining, my attitude towards the whole situation is "It's a fuck-up, it'll sort itself out eventually, in the meantime... MILK IT!" So Tuesday was fun. Again, wednesday-thursday same deal as before, cool-off time, plus the weather wasn't terribly great. (Apart from TPE of course, but I'm sick of that so I probably won't mention it any more than that, except maybe to say that all these days of cancelled school are moving everybody else's around and I'm just glad mine's over!)
Friday, however, was interesting. Ten o'clock comes around and a huge crowd forms at the front gate. It's the demo, of course, come to invade. So we close the gates. Then the hippies have their sit-down. I counted (oh yes, that's how few they were, countable from close up), there were exactly 47 of them at their most numerous stage.Now they had this sign up, saying "Résistance", which was big, but it wasn't terribly clever, because it led to quite a bit of confusion as to their position. Clearly they were being annoying and generally in-the-way, but who it was aimed at wasn't entirely obvious. Were they resisting the evil fascist government and the CPE, or were they resisting the invasion (like everyone else, who were being much more effective just standing up), or both? Feeling provocative, I would have loved to have had signing-making equipment on me right there to write out "Collaboration over here" or something.. But I am too much of a "don'tgiveafuckist" to be that prepared, and I resent myself for it. Keeps me safe though. So after that escalated a bit, with lots of silly shouting, admin decided to pull the plug. After all, they could hardly let us back into the building (oh yes, they had EVACUATED, sirens and all) now that we were all out and stuff. Too dangerous really. So school was cancelled for the rest of the day. Fun fun fun. Second time in a week.
Now, Monday 3rd April, there is much talk of school being cancelled again tomorrow as well. The plan apparently is for the Marc Bloch Uni lot to come round and barricade the gates properly, with planks of wood and things. Big heavy things. Which will have to be pretty impressive if it's to work. Entirely illegal of course. So if the police get called again (oh yeah, apparently it got quite a bit worse out in the street after I scarpered (hey, I am in no physical condition to start getting into brawls yet) off on that Friday), I have at least two teachers' express recommendation to "stay the hell away". So I've sent out plenty of requests to friends to send me txts and call me BEFORE I leave tomorrow if it turns out that would be pointless. Oh yeah, my maths teacher's on strike (despite Chirac's improvement of the law, which he had said would be enough to convince him, the lying rotter), so I get the morning off. Yeah, start at 10 usually, but if he's not there, that means I start at one (you see, MILKING IT) in the afternoon. Life is sweet. Plus the geography teacher's off on jury-duty for TPE, which means of my 6 hours I'm meant to have tomorrow, only 2 are still happening (1-2 german and 4-5 french), so it'll be no big loss if I don't go at all. And the rest, (apart from the funny spelling sometimes which is a glitch in the spell-checker, i've just realised, so anything wrong I can blame on that because it is the truth), as they, say, is history. Or at least, it will be.
Oh well so much for talking about the people I met. Don't really think it was that interesting. Nor was complaining about how great Club Med was. I'm starting to get used to this Life thing (is that a bad thing?). As it goes.
In the nicetime, all is well in Alexland. Still very easily tired, and it's not just because I'm sixteen. Turns out this meningitis doesn't just go away on it's own. Well, it sort of does, but it leaves its mark. And I don't mean a little wash-off stain, this is tattoo-like permanence. But it could have been a lot worse, so I don't really mind. Plus teachers are all really understanding about it (!) and they're really pleased with how I've been coping.
That was all I had to say, I'll probably post about the school party that's on thursday, if only just to keep that promise. No really, because I should at least say how perfect my drumming was (/will be?).
In the nicetime, all is well in Alexland. Still very easily tired, and it's not just because I'm sixteen. Turns out this meningitis doesn't just go away on it's own. Well, it sort of does, but it leaves its mark. And I don't mean a little wash-off stain, this is tattoo-like permanence. But it could have been a lot worse, so I don't really mind. Plus teachers are all really understanding about it (!) and they're really pleased with how I've been coping.
That was all I had to say, I'll probably post about the school party that's on thursday, if only just to keep that promise. No really, because I should at least say how perfect my drumming was (/will be?).
Some Like It Hot...
Wow do I love snowboarding!!!
Although I now officially hate skiers. Was almost killed/maimed several times per day. Watch where you put your sticks people!!!
)re( Learnt a bunch of tricks, including 360 slopespins (could already do them) bs/fs, which are really fun, although a little dizzying. Next was nose-/tail- turns, again both fs/bs, which is even more dizzying because it involves more complicated edge-switching and fakiness. Also ollies and now nollies (which I actually reckon are easier... call me weird.) Another fun thing was nose and tail presses (or wheelies or manuals or whatever you want to call them). Noses presses were less impressive because the acceleration I got wasn't too obvious, and I couldn't quite keep my balance for long, but I almost took off from my tail. Went very near that dangerous place known as Out Of Control. Mental board-bending-and-busting fun. And lastly the ultimate in beginner freestyling, the frontside 180 (and of course switch too).
The people were great too, more about them later...
And Club Med, again I'm getting kicked off now so I'll write it some other time in the week, and again again I have stuff to say about the week hwich might make it here too...
Although I now officially hate skiers. Was almost killed/maimed several times per day. Watch where you put your sticks people!!!
)re( Learnt a bunch of tricks, including 360 slopespins (could already do them) bs/fs, which are really fun, although a little dizzying. Next was nose-/tail- turns, again both fs/bs, which is even more dizzying because it involves more complicated edge-switching and fakiness. Also ollies and now nollies (which I actually reckon are easier... call me weird.) Another fun thing was nose and tail presses (or wheelies or manuals or whatever you want to call them). Noses presses were less impressive because the acceleration I got wasn't too obvious, and I couldn't quite keep my balance for long, but I almost took off from my tail. Went very near that dangerous place known as Out Of Control. Mental board-bending-and-busting fun. And lastly the ultimate in beginner freestyling, the frontside 180 (and of course switch too).
The people were great too, more about them later...
And Club Med, again I'm getting kicked off now so I'll write it some other time in the week, and again again I have stuff to say about the week hwich might make it here too...
The 2 Ronnies
This is my second favourite of their sketches (After "four candles = 'andles for forks"). Not that you care about how I rank things, but it's still funny and I wish to lighten the mooned. Also, its the only excuse one could possibly have for using fuckwit txtspk:
Swedish made simple: Im de Restaurant.
Swedish made simple: Im de Restaurant.
R U B C ?
F U N E X ?
F U N E M ?
I F C D MV F N 10 E M
I can't remember Z rest, but U get Z point. And if you don't, read it again.
I honestly have no idea why I just did that. (see below)
It's not the sort of thing I really like (much).
I'm just bored.
Really that's all there is to it.
I think I'll go watch Wayne's World II (Excellent!)
Party on.
It's not the sort of thing I really like (much).
I'm just bored.
Really that's all there is to it.
I think I'll go watch Wayne's World II (Excellent!)
Party on.
And another one that's been nagging me for a while, although it doesn't really apply now...
Click here to see me being pathetic.
In fact, no, I won't bore you with adolescent insecurities about attractions and the opposite sex and all that pointless waste of energy crap. In my case it has (of course) sorted itself out, and I'm very pleased about it. Just click the link up there and you'll see what I mean(t).
Click here to see me being pathetic.
In fact, no, I won't bore you with adolescent insecurities about attractions and the opposite sex and all that pointless waste of energy crap. In my case it has (of course) sorted itself out, and I'm very pleased about it. Just click the link up there and you'll see what I mean(t).
Thanks / Good luck!
"Politeness: n. the most acceptable form of hypocrisy."
~Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
in The Devil's Dictionary.
~Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
in The Devil's Dictionary.
Ok, so it's been a long time that I've wanted to finish this post (I started it over a month ago), and therefore I can't quite remember (silly me) what it was I was going to say exactly about "thanks". Probably something quite cynical, I'll let you make it up for yourself, on reflection now I'm in a different mood and probably didn't mean it.
Wishing people good luck however, is something that society "just does" apparently and that really gets on my nerves. Stop reading now if you don't like the typical gripe at customs that do no harm and are politically untouchable.
First of all, it makes no sense. People have no control over luck, which in and of itself is an incredibly abstract notion. Because if one takes into consideration the element of time, I reckon that everything evens itself out in the end, it's just that there is no way of knowing (I know, I know, I'm making a claim that can't be disproved, and I wish there was a better way of expressing this, as I'm sure there probably is, but I am not aware of it, let alone do I master it, so this is the best I can be bothered to do.) exactly.
Secondly, do you really mean it?
An example: I remember once I was playing a chess tournament (I know, stereotypically geeky but if you think that way then fuck off.), and I came up against this bind lady, and at some point during the game she left her queen en prise, which means I could have taken it, and really I should have, and just thought about it longer. But, being blind, her eyes showed no expression of "wow how stupid am I to have let that happen?" (which she later told me was what she had been thinking)
So I missed it. It was a huge stroke of luck on her part, being blind. Plus it is traditional to wish your opponent/adversary good luckbefore a match. In this instance however, I regret it quite badly. Humans being so fallible, they need all the luck they can get. Sounds selfish I know, but hey I can say what I like, and bonus points for me for saying what I really think eh?!
Wishing people good luck however, is something that society "just does" apparently and that really gets on my nerves. Stop reading now if you don't like the typical gripe at customs that do no harm and are politically untouchable.
First of all, it makes no sense. People have no control over luck, which in and of itself is an incredibly abstract notion. Because if one takes into consideration the element of time, I reckon that everything evens itself out in the end, it's just that there is no way of knowing (I know, I know, I'm making a claim that can't be disproved, and I wish there was a better way of expressing this, as I'm sure there probably is, but I am not aware of it, let alone do I master it, so this is the best I can be bothered to do.) exactly.
Secondly, do you really mean it?
An example: I remember once I was playing a chess tournament (I know, stereotypically geeky but if you think that way then fuck off.), and I came up against this bind lady, and at some point during the game she left her queen en prise, which means I could have taken it, and really I should have, and just thought about it longer. But, being blind, her eyes showed no expression of "wow how stupid am I to have let that happen?" (which she later told me was what she had been thinking)
So I missed it. It was a huge stroke of luck on her part, being blind. Plus it is traditional to wish your opponent/adversary good luckbefore a match. In this instance however, I regret it quite badly. Humans being so fallible, they need all the luck they can get. Sounds selfish I know, but hey I can say what I like, and bonus points for me for saying what I really think eh?!
Thanks for listening (or possibly, but I honestly can't remember, no thanks).
.("eb ot"brev eht desu reven I gninaem) tnemucod emirP-E nA
?sdrawkcab nettirw neeb sah siht esilaer ot uoy koot ti gnol woh rednow I
.yas ot lufesu ylbirret gnihtyna evah yllautca t'ndid I ,yletanutrofnU
.relpmis elttil a ti sekam yralubacov (tcerroc won) detcirtser yrev a gnisu ,oslA .reisae tib a teg sdrow emos dna ,aedi eht ot desu tahwemos steg eno ,revewoh ,elihw a retfA
.relpmis elttil a ti sekam yralubacov (tcerroc won) detcirtser yrev a gnisu ,oslA .reisae tib a teg sdrow emos dna ,aedi eht ot desu tahwemos steg eno ,revewoh ,elihw a retfA
!erom yna thgir dnuos ot mees t'nod secnetnes ym dnA .tluciffid etiuq eb nac ti ,em uoy eveileb !dnuor yaw gnorw eht lla meht gniod dna drow eglnis yreve dna hcae fo gnilleps eht fo kniht ot gnivah enigami uoy nac ,naem I .em rof troffe fo tol a snteserper ti esuaceb ,siht yojne uoy epoh I ,esac yna nI
?sdrawkcab nettirw neeb sah siht esilaer ot uoy koot ti gnol woh rednow I
Chroniques de Christensen
Il s'agit de Mme CHRISTENSEN, professeur principale de 1s3 et prof. d'SVT.
Voici le dossier (Vous remarquerez le plan en titres évidents, les conclusions en rouge, même (ici) une introduction!):
I)1. 8/20 = très bien.
Après le corrigé, où j'ai eu l'impression d'avoir magnifiquement loupé le contrôle, parce qu'elle insistait qu'il fallait tout dire, et je n'en avais pas dit la moitié. Soit. On pourrait aussi commenter la validité de sa demande de "tout", mais je laisserai cela aux maintes autres personnes qui se trouvent outragés. Cela ne me concerne point ici. Hélas, moi, j'ai trouvé plus grave...
"J'aime bien votre présentation, les flèches sont nettes, les cadres bien espacés, titre précis et bien centré, bien visible. On dirait un schéma sorti d'un livre, c'est vraiment très bien exécuté. En plus la conlcusion en rouge un peu à l'écart, je n'aurais pas su faire mieux moi-même. Il manque quelques détails d'information, soit, mais on ne peut pas tout vous demander, n'est-ce pas? Vous avez huit, vous comprenez?"
Que dire...? "vous comprenez?" euh... oui, madame, je comprends "huit", et je comprends aussi "vraiment très bien exécuté", mais ce que j'ai un peu de mal à voir c'est le lien entre les deux.
I)2. 18/20 = peut mieux faire...
T.P. note et ramassé. Écrit en une heure, comme imposé, bien que "c'est un peu long, vous devriez vraiment avoir au moins une heure et demie, mais les horaires ne le permettent pas, donc faites vite, ce qui ne veux pas dire économisez les informations, je veux que vous mettiez *tout*." (Un de ces jours je vais commencer un devoir d'SVT par "Au Début, Dieu créa la Terre...")euh... à nouveau, vous faites confusion, madame, entre "gain de temps" et "préservation du contenu". Les deux sont, en effet, inséparables, à moins, bien sûr, que vous nous permettiez (que Dieu nous préserve du jour où cela se produira) de sacrifiez le soin au nom de la rapidité. Parce que nous savons tous que les gens que la société vois comme parmi les mieux réussis (j'antend médecins et avocats) ont tous une écriture des plus soignées qui fussent, sans blague, de tous les temps!
Présentation: comme d'habitude, excellente.
Contenu: parfait, même si les résultats expérimentaux sont légèrement *faux* (contrintuitifs), il a bien précisé pourquoi la différence témoin-test n'est pas si évidente. En effet, il montre bien qu'il sait de quoi il parle.
Détails autres: Nom & Prénom au dos, bien. Titre et c. tout très bien.
Imperfections: Conclusion non chiffrée: les chiffres ne sont pas significatifs ici, et de toute façon ils sont présents dans le tableau des résultats. Elle ne fait qu'appliquer aveuglément sans aucune considération une règle arbitraire et présomptueuse. Numérotation des lots inadapté à l'exercice: Bien sûr que c'est adapté! Non seulement j'économise du temps de rédaction et de l'espace sur la feuille en abbrégeant, allégeant le texte (comme elle a demandé!), mais en plus il la signification est explicitée même avant tout usage.
2 petites imperfections (donc fautes), 2 points en moins. D'où 18 = peut mieux faire. Je me rends compte que c'est strictement vrai, mais dans ce cas c'est du n'importe quoi. Mettre 20 à un élève représente un aveu qui fait peur à la majorité des profs du système français.
II)1. La première fois.
À nouveau lors d'un test, le premier après que je revienne de 2 mois d'absence. Elle m'avait dit de reviser uniquement ce qu'on aait fait lors de la séance de cours auquel j'ai pu assister en revenant. "Ne vous occupez pas de tout ce qui est plantes." Du coup, il ne me restait que le schéma en 4 parties de la mitose.
Sujet: "Après avoir décrit l'organisation d'une racine, vous expliquerez lélongation de celle-ci." Première chose que l'on remarque: J'AI LE MÊME SUJET que les autres. De plus, il se rapporte spécifiquement à "tout ce qui est plantes", d'où première réaction: lever la main pour lui dire, et demander si il n'y a pas erreur (question évidemment rhétorique). Mais, bien sûr, elle ne répond à *aucune* question. Du tout. Pas une seule. Donc j'ai fait la seule chose raisonnable: je lui ai tout expliqué, puis je lui ai recraché mon cours que j'avais super-bien appris (elle a quand même su trouver une petite imperfection à clarifier.
En le rendant, elle ne me met aucune note, mais elle n'avait pas le choix, et elle se défend dans son choix de ne pas me répondre ("parce que ça perturbe les autres." Mais j'étais au tout devant de la salle. Ce qui me rappelle que l'heure après le test, elle m'avais demandé de rendre une feuille à faire signer par les parents qu'on venait à peine de me donner, parce que j'avais éte absent. "Ah, oui, c'est vrai, c'est vous, celui qui était malade, oui... Je vous avait noté absent... Vous avez réussi le test?" De nouveau, par où je commence?), en faisant bien attention de divertir du fait qu'elle avait omis de me faire un sujet différent.
Que peut-on en conclure?
II)2. La deuxième fois (!).
En ce moment, nous étudions le système nerveux. L'autre jour, il y eut mention de liquide encéphalo-rachidien (le liquide qui entour le cerveau (l'encéphale) et qui est autour (Si j'ai bien compris, mais cela n'a aucune espèce d'importance.) du tissu nerveux dans les vertèbres). Je levai à présent la main et, me trouvant interrogé, je déclarai avoir quelque connaissance à propos de ce sujet. En effet, expliquai-je, lors de mon séjour à l'hôital, il fut découvert aprè de longues recherches qu'une quantité excessive du nommé liquide provoquait une pression excessive autour mon cerveau, soit une méningite. "Ah bon, vous avez eu une méningite?"