
Blasphemy Challenge Blasphemy

It's becoming increasingly popular of late, and I've agreed to be swept away by it, because it is jolly important, after all: God. Religion.
There's a huge list of different issues about this, from people who think the Bible is true because it says so in the Bible, and that any other claimed Holy Book is just a pack of lies because it isn't their Holy Book, to atheists debating just how much damage religion is doing. I wouldn't anyone to take my word for it, because that's not how this freethinking thing works. Just Google "Richard Dawkins", "James Randi", "Skeptic", "Rational Response", stuff like that. YouTube is overflowing with stuff.
So as I said I want to take part. Because my bullshit-meter has been ringing for far too long now and I want to vent some anger. Na! and, while we're on the subject, Cl! too.
OK so the one I want to point out this time is the Blasphemy Challenge: YouTube yourself denying the power and existence of the Holy Ghost, thus committing the only unforgiveable sin in Christianity (and get a free DVD! price-one soul). Pretty silly, but irritating enough to have ellicited a response in the form of Challenge Blasphemy (clever play on words there you see!), where they ask you to YouTube yourself saying you confess Jesus.

Now, all other idiocy aside, I don't see where the conflict is. Clearly, the upset Christians of Challenge Blasphemy didn't read the Blasphemy Challenge properly. Where is the contradiction in denying the Holy Ghost and accepting Jesus? (We'll ignore the 3=1 mess for purposes of simplicity.) Protestants do it all the time (apparently). A but then the Protestants are going to Hell along with the atheists. Unless it's the Catholics.

I almost feel sorry for Deists now...

Bohemianly Rhapsodic

Last night I went to see One Night of Queen.
This is a show by Gary Mullen & The Works, whose job it is to be Queen. They are very good at what they do.
Gary Mullen who does Freddie Mercury won Stars in Their Eyes a while back for this very act, and it's hardly surprising.
They did all the big songs, of course, most of which the audience- being French- didn't know the words to. Ah but no big deal, for I was in the front row. Yes, the front row, the row at the front.
That one.
It was at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès, where I had previously seen The Musical Box do two Genesis shows, Selling England By The Pound and The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway.
The acoustics in the concert room are awesome. (Especially in the front row.)
At the break (quite un-rock'n'roll, but whatever) I had my first beer since the end of September. I gave myself a break, because no-one else will (at least that's the impression I get sometimes). Plus it was a rock show, the rules don't apply. ¬¬
Did a bit of a Wayne-and-Garth during Bohemian Rhapsody, which still aches, because I'm out of practise (again since late September, hm- all these things seem related...?!).
Being a drummer I recognised We Will Rock You three seconds before anyone else (trust me).

It was interesting to see the range of people who turned up. Most were old farts, but I saw several evil death metal sweatshirts around, such as Cannibal Corpse, Manowar, and Punish Yourself. But there were also kiddies, too maybe 7 or 8 years old. Good to see them damaging their ears already...

On the whole a good boost for morale, which is just what I need right now.

Life sucks, but who said that was a bad thing?


Astronomy 101

This clip shows that even in France, there are many misinformed people:

Ignorance is not criminal in itself (the pursuit of ignorance is something else), so there is nothing to forgive here. But what is most shocking is the lack of some very basic education. Given something like that, it's hardly surprising what other rubbish people about skyrocks.

This reminds me of something Wittgenstein is reported to have said (I heard it from Dawkins):
Wittgenstein is having a discussion with a friend who says
"Is it not to be expected that people think the Sun is in orbit round the Earth rather than the other way around? After all, that's what it looks like."
To which Wittgenstein replied:
"But what it look like if it were the other way around? After all, it is the other way around."

That's it for the weekend, had planned more (in fact there's already something started) but I went out yesterday evening so be pleased about that instead!



Turns out people actually read this thing... Surprising.
Well this is for them, the naggers, who actually got round to telling me for real (and not via just posting whih I've arbitrarilry decided is going to be paradoxically better - long live adverbs!).
So now I know. Well, here goes again.
I've got a long time to catch up...