It was bad enough when 007 went German with the BMW, at least that was an expensive car. What are they thinking?
Bring back the Aston Martins, they're so much prettier. (Yes, I know, Ford owns Aston Martin, OK, but desn't that make it even worse? I mean, sacrificing the greatness of such a typically British thing for the purposes of product placement? Come on...)
Or if they really want to have him driving something affordable, why not make it an MX-5. That could be some good exposure for the mark-3, and Bond wouldn't look like a housewife. Admittedly he would look like a bloke having a midlife crisis, but a cool one at least.
The Ford Mondeo Zetec:

The Mazda MX-5 mk3

The Aston Martin Vanquish:

1 comment:
J'avoue humblement n'avoir pas compris la moindre petite phrase de ta longue littérature (et de n'avoir pas essayer ^^) MAIS, la vie etant ce qu'elle est,j'imagine que c'etait interessant. Soit, je passe par ici juste pour resoudre un petit malentendu: j'ai pas mis l'ombre d'un orteil a Anglet cet été ^^ J'etais a Belle ile ou j'ai rencontrer des Angletois (ca doit pas etre ca mais bref).
Donc voila. Tu veux me rappeler le nom des especes de petites pates que t'ammenais a Bruxelles ? C'est treeeeees important ^^
Longue vie a toi Lucky Punk.
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