
Shit happens.

The health situation:

I had a virus, whose name I don't know but it ends with "B-19". It's an absolutely standard virus, loads of people get it, and usually it's just a question of staying in bed with headache tablets for three days. 90% of cases clear up on their own. I just happen to be in the 10% (well, apparently I give the impression of always wanting to be in some kind of minority, but this is ridiculous!) of cases that do something odd. But what it did to me was particularly weird. To the point of them not working it out for over a week. (although that did include a long weekend, and this being France even ill people have to succumb to the public holidays, of course)

Meningitis. Not "men in tight jeans", mind.
Resulting in intracranial hypertension. And somewhere along in there came some damage to my accoustic nerve in my right ear, which means I can't hear so well on that side any more. But I don't mind, it could be worse. It's just that now I have to be extra careful with my left ear. Plug it when I play the drums, for instance. Sit on the right side of a classroom. Little changes like that. I' not completel deaf, just imparied somewhat. But I've got another appointment in 3 weeks time, and te doctor said there should be some progress between now and then, but that the anti-inflammatory steroids (cortizone, fucks with your mind and sleep too) were no longer necessary (and thus I could do away with the salt-free diet and 3-and-a-1/2 other medications I was on) and all I can do is hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor u... :-(