What is the point of this "blogging" bullshit? It's not like I don't speak to 99.9% of my readers (if there aare any that... you people never leave any bloody comments so how the hell do I know???) anyway, and even then most of the time we speak about nothing and bullshit and the usual boring pointlessnesses. It's like in Pulp Fiction when Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) are in the restaurant (Jack Rabbit Slims ("A wax museum with a pulse.")) and they've just ordered and they're talking about the awkward silence that has just developed (I could go on forever with the details, I know that movie prety much by heart, plus this is the Internet.)

Don't you hate that?
Uncomfortable silences.
Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit
in order to be comfortable?
I don't know.
That's when you know you found somebody special.
When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute, and comfortably share silence.
I don't think we're there yet. But don't feel bad, we just met each other.
Seriously, I reckon that even applies over the 'phone (The bit about "comfortably sharing silence".). Talking with nothing to say, I can stand it, I can just about understand it, but it's a shame really. It's not helped by pointless msn conversations that go (sic)
how r u
gd u
ok (5 minutes or so go by)
so what do you want to talk about now?
nefink * *I tried my hand at a little "txt-spk"
wha? nothing?
no anything
And so on. That was a real "conversation" I had about a year ago (I was in red). I had just started using msn, after having been told and retold the miracles it could perform (Let's not start fellating Hill-Billy Gates just yet.). How dissapointing, eh? Put me right off that did. Anyway I kept it as proof of... hm I had a particularly sharp point to put at the end of this sentence but anyway I think you all get the gist of what I'm trying to say, and a fairly long time has passed since i was pretty pissed off at the world when I started writing this (Why does that always happen to me?).
On the other hand, I have had some really interesting discussions over the Net. And you can have loads of silly fun with webcams...
I suppose it just depends on the people really. Because I also find that my msn conversations often reflect my real-life conversations: anything from really cool funny deep whatever great feel-good discussions to hollow "hey - hey - gotta go -me too - see ya - bye" talks at school (although that's partly due to the hecticness of timetables and crowds and crap).
(And so smoothly the topic is brought circlingly back to where it started... long live structured essays!) Which brings me back to my original point. I think. Makes sense to me right now. Hm. Bleh who gives me any money about this being coherent at all? Most of the time people reading this type of blog (I don't have any illusions about the absolute standardness of this website - even in saying that I'm nothing special.) are usually happy for any kind of update at all, let alone a good one. But at least I think I'm not part of the large mass of REALLY shit blogs that Maddox had a really good (of course) pop at.
Apart from anything else (if there really is anything else to be a prat from), if I write too much on this small piece of webspace, I end up not having anthing to say (with my mouth) to the few people who'll listen (with their ears) (if they haven't already heard it, that is).
how r u
gd u
ok (5 minutes or so go by)
so what do you want to talk about now?
nefink * *I tried my hand at a little "txt-spk"
wha? nothing?
no anything
And so on. That was a real "conversation" I had about a year ago (I was in red). I had just started using msn, after having been told and retold the miracles it could perform (Let's not start fellating Hill-Billy Gates just yet.). How dissapointing, eh? Put me right off that did. Anyway I kept it as proof of... hm I had a particularly sharp point to put at the end of this sentence but anyway I think you all get the gist of what I'm trying to say, and a fairly long time has passed since i was pretty pissed off at the world when I started writing this (Why does that always happen to me?).
On the other hand, I have had some really interesting discussions over the Net. And you can have loads of silly fun with webcams...
I suppose it just depends on the people really. Because I also find that my msn conversations often reflect my real-life conversations: anything from really cool funny deep whatever great feel-good discussions to hollow "hey - hey - gotta go -me too - see ya - bye" talks at school (although that's partly due to the hecticness of timetables and crowds and crap).
(And so smoothly the topic is brought circlingly back to where it started... long live structured essays!) Which brings me back to my original point. I think. Makes sense to me right now. Hm. Bleh who gives me any money about this being coherent at all? Most of the time people reading this type of blog (I don't have any illusions about the absolute standardness of this website - even in saying that I'm nothing special.) are usually happy for any kind of update at all, let alone a good one. But at least I think I'm not part of the large mass of REALLY shit blogs that Maddox had a really good (of course) pop at.
Apart from anything else (if there really is anything else to be a prat from), if I write too much on this small piece of webspace, I end up not having anthing to say (with my mouth) to the few people who'll listen (with their ears) (if they haven't already heard it, that is).
1 comment:
u kno, there R sum ppl who care bout u.
anyway loads of things u say r right; being pissed of @ da world is human. therefore, you are human.
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