The Good, The Bad & The Queen
Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz) and Paul Simonon (The Clash)... in the same band... wow.
I've been told that it's accepted that 0,999...* = 1 .
*and so on ad infinitum
I extend that to 99,999...* % = 100 %.
Also, "most of us are atheists towards all but one of Humanity's gods throughout History. Some of us just go one god further." (Richard Dawkins).
There are an infinite number of gods to atheistic about (Thor, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Amon Ra, Zeus, etc. etc.). Yes, infinite, because I just invented an infinite number of them. For every god I can think of, I can think of another one.
So Dawkins' "all but one" translates as 99,999...* % of all gods.
Which equates to 100%.
Hence we are all atheists towards all gods, even if we believe in one (because frankly, which one do you pick?).
Let us not forget the god who only rewards people who don't believe in it.
And so it goes on and once more, again and repeatedly.
Also, "most of us are atheists towards all but one of Humanity's gods throughout History. Some of us just go one god further." (Richard Dawkins).
There are an infinite number of gods to atheistic about (Thor, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Amon Ra, Zeus, etc. etc.). Yes, infinite, because I just invented an infinite number of them. For every god I can think of, I can think of another one.
So Dawkins' "all but one" translates as 99,999...* % of all gods.
Which equates to 100%.
Hence we are all atheists towards all gods, even if we believe in one (because frankly, which one do you pick?).
Let us not forget the god who only rewards people who don't believe in it.
And so it goes on and once more, again and repeatedly.
Omega- Stone Sour
WHAT a skeletal wreck of man this is;
Translucent flesh and feeble bones,
The kind of temple where the whores and villains try to tempt the holistic tones
Running rampant with free thought to free form, in the free and clear
And the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a Laundromat to sift and focus
On the bigger, better, now.
We all have a little sin that needs venting
Virtues for the rending and laws and systems and stems that riff from the branches of office
Do you know what your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
Wind down inside atavistic galore
The value of a summer spent and a winter earned
For the rest of us there is always Sunday:
The day of the week that reeks of rest but all we do is catch our breaths
So we can wade naked into the bloody pool
And place our hand on the big black book.~
To watch the knives zig-zag between our aching fingers
A vacation is a countdown
T minus your life and counting
Time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and hope you get a taste.
I could go on and on, but lets move on... shall we?
Say, you're me and I'm you and they all watch the things we do
And like a smack of spite they threw me down the stairs
Haven't felt like this in years.
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse,
Let me go and plunge me into the dead spot again
That's where you go when there's no one else around
It's just you, and there was never anyone to begin with, now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards with there thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger.
"Classified" my ass, that's a fucking secret and you know it
"Government" is another way to say "better-than-you".
It's like ice but no pick, a murder charge that won't stick
It's like a whole other world where you can smell the food, but you can't touch the silverware... what luck
Fascism you can vote for... isn't that sweet?
And we're all gonna die some day, cause that's the American way
And I've drunk to much and said to little
When you're gaffer taped in the middle, say a prayer, say a phrase, get yourself together and...
I'm sorry, I could go on and on
But it's time to move on, so...
You're a wreck,
An accident, forget the freak you're just nature.
Keep the gun oiled and the temple clean; shit, snort and blaspheme
Let the heads cool and the engine run,
Because in then end everything we do
Is just everything we've done
Translucent flesh and feeble bones,
The kind of temple where the whores and villains try to tempt the holistic tones
Running rampant with free thought to free form, in the free and clear
And the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a Laundromat to sift and focus
On the bigger, better, now.
We all have a little sin that needs venting
Virtues for the rending and laws and systems and stems that riff from the branches of office
Do you know what your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
Wind down inside atavistic galore
The value of a summer spent and a winter earned
For the rest of us there is always Sunday:
The day of the week that reeks of rest but all we do is catch our breaths
So we can wade naked into the bloody pool
And place our hand on the big black book.~
To watch the knives zig-zag between our aching fingers
A vacation is a countdown
T minus your life and counting
Time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and hope you get a taste.
What the fuck is all this for?
What the hell's going on?
Shut up!
What the hell's going on?
Shut up!
I could go on and on, but lets move on... shall we?
Say, you're me and I'm you and they all watch the things we do
And like a smack of spite they threw me down the stairs
Haven't felt like this in years.
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse,
Let me go and plunge me into the dead spot again
That's where you go when there's no one else around
It's just you, and there was never anyone to begin with, now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards with there thumb on the pulse and a finger on the trigger.
"Classified" my ass, that's a fucking secret and you know it
"Government" is another way to say "better-than-you".
It's like ice but no pick, a murder charge that won't stick
It's like a whole other world where you can smell the food, but you can't touch the silverware... what luck
Fascism you can vote for... isn't that sweet?
And we're all gonna die some day, cause that's the American way
And I've drunk to much and said to little
When you're gaffer taped in the middle, say a prayer, say a phrase, get yourself together and...
*See what's happening,*
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
I'm sorry, I could go on and on
But it's time to move on, so...
You're a wreck,
An accident, forget the freak you're just nature.
Keep the gun oiled and the temple clean; shit, snort and blaspheme
Let the heads cool and the engine run,
Because in then end everything we do
Is just everything we've done
Terribly sorry, old chap...
Oh dear. James Bond, one of Great Britain's proudest institutions, now drives a Ford. And not just any Ford, no, it's a Ford with a stupid name: Zetec. OK, so it's just a new Mondeo, which isn't too bad a name, but come on! It has a Z in there! A made-up name with a Z can never be a good thing. Just look at Zelda. How misleading was that?!
It was bad enough when 007 went German with the BMW, at least that was an expensive car. What are they thinking?
Bring back the Aston Martins, they're so much prettier. (Yes, I know, Ford owns Aston Martin, OK, but desn't that make it even worse? I mean, sacrificing the greatness of such a typically British thing for the purposes of product placement? Come on...)
Or if they really want to have him driving something affordable, why not make it an MX-5. That could be some good exposure for the mark-3, and Bond wouldn't look like a housewife. Admittedly he would look like a bloke having a midlife crisis, but a cool one at least.
The Ford Mondeo Zetec:

The Mazda MX-5 mk3

The Aston Martin Vanquish:

It was bad enough when 007 went German with the BMW, at least that was an expensive car. What are they thinking?
Bring back the Aston Martins, they're so much prettier. (Yes, I know, Ford owns Aston Martin, OK, but desn't that make it even worse? I mean, sacrificing the greatness of such a typically British thing for the purposes of product placement? Come on...)
Or if they really want to have him driving something affordable, why not make it an MX-5. That could be some good exposure for the mark-3, and Bond wouldn't look like a housewife. Admittedly he would look like a bloke having a midlife crisis, but a cool one at least.
The Ford Mondeo Zetec:

The Mazda MX-5 mk3

The Aston Martin Vanquish:

Been to hell and back again.
While I was in hospital I had to have a lumber puncture, just like last year, to remove excess brain-spine liquid to a) relieve the pressure and b) get it analysed. During the procedure I had a bad trip on Entonox (50% O2 and 50% N2O), which is the stuff they make you breathe so that you don't mind about the pain (big needles in your back). The problem they encountered this time was that when I was lying on my side I wasn't straight enough, so they couldn't aim properly (much precision required with this kind of thing). So they had me sit up. That didn't work the first time either, because they didn't get me round enough. So it was only at the third attempt that they finally managed to get it right. Which meant I got a triple dose of the laughing gas. Unfortunately at such a large amount its analgesic effects become so strong it acts as an anæsthetic. So I fell asleep.
I was aware of it happening to me, but I couldn't do anything about it. And because my whole body had gone numb, there was just me in "the dark bit behind the eyes". No means of communicating, no feelings, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. My thoughts, though, weren't so nice. I believed I was going to remain in that state forever, and never die. It was horrible, the thought of such solitude. and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. That's definitely motivated me to stay away from drugs now...
I was aware of it happening to me, but I couldn't do anything about it. And because my whole body had gone numb, there was just me in "the dark bit behind the eyes". No means of communicating, no feelings, nothing. Just me and my thoughts. My thoughts, though, weren't so nice. I believed I was going to remain in that state forever, and never die. It was horrible, the thought of such solitude. and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. That's definitely motivated me to stay away from drugs now...
Christian "le Crétin Chrétien" Nardin (Nain de Jardin)
This was going to be a rather mean post about how rubbish my French teacher was, but he can't have been that bad because he was so uninspiring that I never got round to finishing it. Or even starting it.
Laat deze plaats...
St. John: Die Wahrheit macht frei. (The truth makes you free.)
The Nazis: Arbeit macht frei. (Work makes you free.)
Me: Macht macht frei. (Power makes you free.)
The Nazis: Arbeit macht frei. (Work makes you free.)
Me: Macht macht frei. (Power makes you free.)
Beta is better
Now this is nice, Blogger have got their act together and now the service is running even more smoothly than before. Foul-ups, I should expect, will be much fewer and farther between than before. Which means more pictures!
Here is Greg's ass, and [not-Greg]'s (can anyone prove me wrong? actually I think I might, but please somebody else try first!) hand:

And to cheer you up after that ordeal, have a beer: (hopefully the people in the background won't feel too incriminated if ever their parents come along here (I know, I know, yeah right wtf and all))

Or, if you don't like beer, something a little more unusual for you to ponder over while the rest of the world gets drunk:

Polish people are so Catholic, they have 3 Jesuses (Jesii?)
(Don't worry I'm not that ignorant about ignorance.)
Alternatively, if you're offended by my going-to-hell-anyway-so-whatever way of thinking, this should at least bemuse everyone:
Here is Greg's ass, and [not-Greg]'s (can anyone prove me wrong? actually I think I might, but please somebody else try first!) hand:

And to cheer you up after that ordeal, have a beer: (hopefully the people in the background won't feel too incriminated if ever their parents come along here (I know, I know, yeah right wtf and all))

Or, if you don't like beer, something a little more unusual for you to ponder over while the rest of the world gets drunk:

Polish people are so Catholic, they have 3 Jesuses (Jesii?)
(Don't worry I'm not that ignorant about ignorance.)
Alternatively, if you're offended by my going-to-hell-anyway-so-whatever way of thinking, this should at least bemuse everyone:

Woot! Yesterday it was off with my braces! Can't actually tell the difference it apparently made for my teeth, though. Rip-off anyway, but an insured one. I'm sure, as with a lot of things, if I had much more of an incentive I would have cared more.
The cloud filling this particular silver lining is why they were taken off. Ideally the orthodontist would have had me were them a few more months, to get even more money re-correcting the little gaps that had appeared (due to his incompetence in the first place), but due to my relapse of encephalitis (at least that's what they're calling it this time, but in fact they plain old just don't know) I have to go for an MRI scan next month, using really big magnets (not the crappy pseudoscientific ones you get in bracelets that are supposed to get the iron in your blood flowing better "or something" - what an insult to human intelligence) that would rip the sharp metal bits of my braces out of my head, in several (vitally inefficient) directions at once.
Also yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my first proper headache. And I don't mean a bit of dizziness due to watching TV for too long, I mean intracranial hypertension provoked by viral (although quite which virus is unclear) meningitis. Worse than the worst hangover imaginable, even from several Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, and I should know.
In the meantime I've been hanging out with the (mostly) non-complete-tools at www.skepticforum.com which is well worth a visit if you care about human rational thought at all. Recently I've realised that because I spend most of my time with averagely intelligent people, we should all be getting very worried about the bottom of the pile.
The cloud filling this particular silver lining is why they were taken off. Ideally the orthodontist would have had me were them a few more months, to get even more money re-correcting the little gaps that had appeared (due to his incompetence in the first place), but due to my relapse of encephalitis (at least that's what they're calling it this time, but in fact they plain old just don't know) I have to go for an MRI scan next month, using really big magnets (not the crappy pseudoscientific ones you get in bracelets that are supposed to get the iron in your blood flowing better "or something" - what an insult to human intelligence) that would rip the sharp metal bits of my braces out of my head, in several (vitally inefficient) directions at once.
Also yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my first proper headache. And I don't mean a bit of dizziness due to watching TV for too long, I mean intracranial hypertension provoked by viral (although quite which virus is unclear) meningitis. Worse than the worst hangover imaginable, even from several Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, and I should know.
In the meantime I've been hanging out with the (mostly) non-complete-tools at www.skepticforum.com which is well worth a visit if you care about human rational thought at all. Recently I've realised that because I spend most of my time with averagely intelligent people, we should all be getting very worried about the bottom of the pile.
Let me stand next to your fire
Just... wow. With extra-long exposure, so woooooooooooooooooooooooow. All of these were taken by me (except one by Antoine) in Krakow. There were more that didn't turn as nice, there a surprising amoun of luck involved when your camera is as cheap as mine.

Karo and Greg, this is for you.

That last picture is from Antoine's blog: link. And because he's such a (clever) nerd it's even licenced "under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0 France": link

Karo and Greg, this is for you.

That last picture is from Antoine's blog: link. And because he's such a (clever) nerd it's even licenced "under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0 France": link
Nie mowie po polsku.
("I don't speak Polish." I didn't know how to spell the words for "Sorry, I'm English." which was basically the rest of my grasp of that language.)
This one goes out to Filip, damn boy I which I had a name that was so nearly spelt the same as a Muse song. Oh and everyone else (Aga, to you I say: "perfunctory". Kasia: Mickey Mouse is punk and comfyhugs!). "What is zees number?" tu te reconnaîtras. Ah vive le symbolisme.
Can't we laugh and joke around
Remember cuddles in the kitchen
Yeah, to get things off the ground
And it was up, up and away
Oh, but it's right hard to remember
That on a day like today when you're all argumentative
And you've got the face on
Remember cuddles in the kitchen
Yeah, to get things off the ground
And it was up, up and away
Oh, but it's right hard to remember
That on a day like today when you're all argumentative
And you've got the face on
Still can't listen to the Arctic Monkeys without having to lie down in bed through all of it and end up really quite very nearly almost being late (haha kudos to the timekeeping!) for stuff.
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