
Ert birds.

QWERTY: adj. like a qwert, qwert-like.
QWERT: n. A small bird, the British variety of the species ertus ertus.
AZERTY: adj. like an azert, azert-like.
AZERT: n. A small bird, the rarer French variety of the species ertus ertus.
ADVERT: n. A small bird, the unbelievably common American variety of the species ertus ertus.
ADVERTY: don't be silly. oh all right then if you insist it would be adj. like an advert, advert-like if only anything that were like an advert were not actually an advert.
DESERT: Ornithologists have theorised many an hour over the existence of a potential fourth cousin in the ertus ertus species, but as yet have no evidence of it's being no more than simple empty space, bereft of any considerable life.

To find anything azerty without having to go to France is possible, but tricky. Go to the special French zoo (try in Bâton Rouge, Louisiana or Des Moines, Iowa) house of pain, also known as Boulangerie, wearing blue lingerie, and there you will find, amongst other French delicacies such as legless frogs (it's the wine), a bored quay-key, with no lock-luck-clock, possibly smashed to bits by a frustrated Brit, and you will see that this is the true nature of the azert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi alex!

as ringing you doesn't work, I shall leave this on a blog...