
French elections

I realised I could just post my comments from the varioous forums I'm on as content for this blog, because they're the whole reason why I dried up here in the first place!

"By the way, the exit polls (non-official, but usually very reliable) gave:
- Sarkozy 30%
- Royal 25%
(these first two are through to the second round in a few weeks' time)
- Bayrou 18%
- Le Pen 11%
- all other candidates (all 8 of them) 16%

The absolute official report, which is expected to confirm these, is published on the evening of the 25th April.

It was the biggest turn-out for an election since 1981, with 84% of registered voters participating.
he good news is more than half the voters voted for the two candidates that got through ((30+25)>50), unlike in 2002 when there had been 16 candidates andthe top two only got like 35% of a poor turn-out between them.

Its expected that Sarkozy will get Le Pen's votes, Royal will get the 3 communist parties' and other socailist-ish's votes, and it'll all come down to how Bayrou's voters go.

(Anyone looking for the absolute best figures should check the french government's webpage.)"

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