

We-hay, seems I've started expanding my web presence. Thinking of starting up VLogging on YouTube like a hell of a lot of other bored adolescents with a webcam ranting and stuff, hopefully with a smidgen of originality. I've started getting back to www.skepticforum.com, which is good for morale (someone actually missed me there!). How sad this all is, but then a lot about my situation is, so in fact none of it is. ha! Aaaaaanyway found this in a post and was authorised to move it here, I liked it, though I'd share (how sickening):

Catholic Protestant
Muslim and Jews
Look at each other
With frightening views
What are we doing
This isn't God's plan
Meant to be brothers
Our family of man
Seems to be something
That gets in the way
Confusing ours minds
From what his words say
Love one another
The gist of his book
No matter the language
Nor how it may look
I've missed something
I don't understand
WHO is it then
If it isn't God's hand
Who darkens dreams
With hatred and fear
Clouding our vision
Till nothing is clear
Sharpens our rage
At the point of a knife
Who sends the misguided
To cause loss of life
Who wants the world
To tremble and shake
Who takes innocent
Lives in his wake
Who breaks a spirit
Then fills it with hate
Demonic decisions
Sealing their fate
Who takes a man
And warps his soul
Death and destruction
His devious goal
Who turns souls black
With power or greed
Who preaches hate
Planting the seed
For the slaughter of others
But who do we blame
The ultimate evil
It's done in God's name


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