Red Bull!
Me and Alain got really bored the other day and it was really hot, so I introduced him to a couple of cold cans of Red Bull. It was quite an experience. Red-Bull-Junkies is the result...
Be crazy.
The best thing in the LimpBizkit Results may vary album isn't a song...
to the crazy ones
here's to the crazy ones.
the misfits. the rebels.
the troublemakers.
the round pegs in the square holes.
the ones who see things differently.
they're not fond of rules.
and they have no respect for the status quo.
you can praise them, disagree with them,
"quote them", disbelieve them,
glorify them or vilify them.
about the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
because they change things.
they invent. they imagine. they heal.
they explore. they create. they inspire.
they push the human race forward.
maybe they have to be crazy.
how else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
we make music for these kinds of people.
while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world,
are the ones who do.
here's to the crazy ones.
the misfits. the rebels.
the troublemakers.
the round pegs in the square holes.
the ones who see things differently.
they're not fond of rules.
and they have no respect for the status quo.
you can praise them, disagree with them,
"quote them", disbelieve them,
glorify them or vilify them.
about the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
because they change things.
they invent. they imagine. they heal.
they explore. they create. they inspire.
they push the human race forward.
maybe they have to be crazy.
how else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
we make music for these kinds of people.
while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world,
are the ones who do.
St Jimmy
a.k.a.: Jesus of Suburbia (see Bible of "None of the above")
location: Broken Home, Corner of East 12th Street and Broken Dreams Boulevard, Damned City, in the Land of Make Believe.
does not want to be: an American Idiot
son of: a bitch and Edgar Allan Poe; a gun; rage and love
pastimes include: not caring, waiting, coming home, sleeping through September.
girlfriend: Whatsername, a rock and roll extraordinary rebel, holds his heart like a handgrenade
liked by: Nobody
needs: Novocaine
diet: soda pop and ritalin
St. Jimmy's coming down across the alleyway
Upon The BLVD. like a zip gun on parade
Light of a silhouette, he's insubordinate
Coming at you on the count of 1,2,3,4!:
My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it out.
Suicide commando that your momma talked about. King
of the 40 thieves and I'm here to represent the
Needle in the vein of the establishment.
I'm the patron saint of the denial with an angel face and a taste for suicidal cigarettes and ramen and a
little bag of dope. I am the son of a bitch and Edgar
Allan Poe. Raised in the city under a halo of lights.
The product of war and fear that we've been victimized.
ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? My name is St. Jimmy. I'm a
son of a gun. I'm the one that's from the way outside.
I'm a teenage assassin executing some fun in the cult
of the life of crime. I'd really hate to say it, but I
told you so. So shut your mouth before I shoot you down
ol'boy. Welcome to the club and give me some blood.
I'm the resident leader of the lost and found.
It's comedy
and tragedy. It's St. Jimmy, and THAT'S my NAME
a.k.a.: Jesus of Suburbia (see Bible of "None of the above")
location: Broken Home, Corner of East 12th Street and Broken Dreams Boulevard, Damned City, in the Land of Make Believe.
does not want to be: an American Idiot
son of: a bitch and Edgar Allan Poe; a gun; rage and love
pastimes include: not caring, waiting, coming home, sleeping through September.
girlfriend: Whatsername, a rock and roll extraordinary rebel, holds his heart like a handgrenade
liked by: Nobody
needs: Novocaine
diet: soda pop and ritalin
St. Jimmy's coming down across the alleyway
Upon The BLVD. like a zip gun on parade
Light of a silhouette, he's insubordinate

Coming at you on the count of 1,2,3,4!:
My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it out.
Suicide commando that your momma talked about. King
of the 40 thieves and I'm here to represent the
Needle in the vein of the establishment.
I'm the patron saint of the denial with an angel face and a taste for suicidal cigarettes and ramen and a
little bag of dope. I am the son of a bitch and Edgar
Allan Poe. Raised in the city under a halo of lights.
The product of war and fear that we've been victimized.
ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? My name is St. Jimmy. I'm a
son of a gun. I'm the one that's from the way outside.
I'm a teenage assassin executing some fun in the cult
of the life of crime. I'd really hate to say it, but I
told you so. So shut your mouth before I shoot you down
ol'boy. Welcome to the club and give me some blood.
I'm the resident leader of the lost and found.
It's comedy
and tragedy. It's St. Jimmy, and THAT'S my NAME
the new annoying msn abbreviation.
now, technically i came upon this completely by accident, but it still required a bit of a reasoning jump to get there, so i still get the glory...
knowing that, here we go:my new abbreviation that will take the virtual world by storm is (drum roll please).....................................lo
It stands for Laughing Out.
That's right, Laughing Out.
For when you want to acknowledge that you did in fact spontaneously think that the joke or whatever was actually, genuinely funny. Not funny enough, however, for your expression to be audible in the next room (which would be Laughing Out Loud, or lol), but you did make a sound, so it counts as more than just :) or :D . Get it?
Now, when this starts becoming popular, it's origin will undoubtedly become unkwon. That is the purpose of this log: you heard (well, read) it here first, people! I coined the expression. mwahahahahahaha! And this way there's a permanent mark of it (well, in a virtual kind of way).
Also, I have a witness of it: Tess was the first person i said it to. Although, technically, i was trying to say lol. I hate lol though. It's so overused. It's almost become a word in it's own right, instead of an abbrev. Don't you just hate it when you tell a particularly unfunny joke and someone Laughs Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Loud? IT DOESNT MAKE ANY BLOODY SENSE!!! Think, people!!! aaaaaaaanyway as i was saying, the next big thing is lo. Because i said so. lo.
WARNING!: Beware, do not get " lo " confused with " 'lo " , which means hello.
Edit - 3/5/6 - Turns out this one's been around for ages and I was just completely unaware of it.
knowing that, here we go:my new abbreviation that will take the virtual world by storm is (drum roll please).....................................lo
It stands for Laughing Out.
That's right, Laughing Out.
For when you want to acknowledge that you did in fact spontaneously think that the joke or whatever was actually, genuinely funny. Not funny enough, however, for your expression to be audible in the next room (which would be Laughing Out Loud, or lol), but you did make a sound, so it counts as more than just :) or :D . Get it?
Now, when this starts becoming popular, it's origin will undoubtedly become unkwon. That is the purpose of this log: you heard (well, read) it here first, people! I coined the expression. mwahahahahahaha! And this way there's a permanent mark of it (well, in a virtual kind of way).
Also, I have a witness of it: Tess was the first person i said it to. Although, technically, i was trying to say lol. I hate lol though. It's so overused. It's almost become a word in it's own right, instead of an abbrev. Don't you just hate it when you tell a particularly unfunny joke and someone Laughs Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Loud? IT DOESNT MAKE ANY BLOODY SENSE!!! Think, people!!! aaaaaaaanyway as i was saying, the next big thing is lo. Because i said so. lo.
WARNING!: Beware, do not get " lo " confused with " 'lo " , which means hello.
Edit - 3/5/6 - Turns out this one's been around for ages and I was just completely unaware of it.
Les expressions fort Hontabatesques:
Voila enfin toute la collection de citations de conneries que j'ai noté dans la couverture de mon fameux agenda au cours de l'année. Elles sont toutes rapportées mot pour mot. À chaque fois je mets le contexte (si je m'en rappelle et si il est vraiment néessaire).
M. Didier Hontabat (honte à toi!), professeur de français, latin, ECJS (lui c'est la star! parfois, on se demandait si il ne faisait pas peut-être exprès):
- "Il n'y a que Margot qui m'interesse." Il n'y avait qu'elle qui levait la main...
- "Il n'y a qu'une solution pour sortir du grand peuple au XIXème siècle: rejoindre l'armée, ou le clergé." Il a dit ça en comptant sur les doigts: armée 1 ; clergé 2.
- "Les femmes sont comme des Kleenex™." Je ne sais plus, mais je pense que le contexte de celui-la ne l'excuse quand même pas.
- "Victor Hugo est une banane." Traduction: L'oeuvre de Victor Hugo se déguste comme une banane: il faut d'abord la peler.
- "Je ne veux pas insister la-dessus, mais c'est TRÈS TRÈS IMPORTANT." ...
- "Le français, c'est la cuillière qui permet de manger le Nutella™." On parlait d'une image qu'on avait vu dans un autre cours, qui n'avait absolument rien à faire avec le français, puis il en a entendu 2 mots (cuillière et Nutella) et il nous a sortie celle-la.
- "Je m'en badigeonne le nombril avec une botte de poireaux." Amuse-toi bien...
- "La photo rétrécit le monde. Merci, Didier!" Oui, merci.
- "Le soleil est au centre de notre Univers. Pour moi, c'est un fait indiscutable." Ce gars il est prof de lycée.
- "Je passe ma vie à dire des choses 'en passant'." D'accord...
- "Alors qu'aujourd'hui on voit les streinges dépasser du pantalon..." À peine anglophobe celui-la...
- "schuingumme" À nouveau, j'ai fait de mon mieux pour transcrire ca prononciation barbare...
- "J'aimerais me saoûler, être ivre!" D'après lui, son seul alcool c'est la culture... et ce type s'occupe d'enfants...
- "Christophe, tu veux que je m'occupe de ton instrument?" Chris avait ramené sa guitare en cours et ne savait pas où la mettre...
- "Je ne vais pas toucher l'instrument de Christophe... il aura peut-être des problèmes..." Euh...
- "Thomas, tu veux que je te suce?" Thomas c'était coupé le doigt et n'aime pas trop voir son propre sang.
- "Je vais me le faire ce Thomas!" Maman!... le grand méchant Hontabat il m'a fait peur...
- "T'as de beaux genoux, Thomas." Thomas avait son pied sur la chaise d'à-côté, son genou dépassait au-dessus de la table.
- "Thomas ne pense à rien si il n'a pas des boules dans la main à manipuler." Il avait confisqué une boule en caoutchouc à Thomas.
- "Elle est où ma boule? Il me faut ma boule!... En plus elle est trop petite." Il a perdu sa boule...
Et bien sûr, pour finir, la classique: "Que vois-je frétiller dans cet orifice buccal? Serait-ce une pâte à mâcher?"
M. Yves Wallerich (M. Ouissssssssssssssssssche), professeur de géographie:
- "La mousson d'été souflle de l'océan vers le continent et apporte de grandes quantités d'eau humide." Alors que le reste du temps en Asie, il ne s'agit que d'eau sèche...?
- "La pauvre salade n'aura pas son eau." Quel dommage!...?
M. Pierre-André Labolle, professeur de physique-chimie:
- "Les éléctrons sont des S.D.F." On n'est jamais certains de leur emplacement exact autour du noyau... bofbof la blague.
- "La chimie, c'est la sociologie des atomes." Mouais,... si tu veux.
Chris (eh oui, même les elèves!):
- "To see something as beautiful, one must compare it to something ugly." Celle-la il l'a rendu à la fin d'une copie!
- "malaxibles." Le mot qu'il cherchait était "malléables".
@£€% (ben quoi, chuis con moi aussi!)
- "Vous nous dites d'alléger notre style, mais en anglais, on doit justement le lourdifier." Je pense que c'est déjà assez lourd comme ça.
M. Didier Hontabat (honte à toi!), professeur de français, latin, ECJS (lui c'est la star! parfois, on se demandait si il ne faisait pas peut-être exprès):
- "Il n'y a que Margot qui m'interesse." Il n'y avait qu'elle qui levait la main...
- "Il n'y a qu'une solution pour sortir du grand peuple au XIXème siècle: rejoindre l'armée, ou le clergé." Il a dit ça en comptant sur les doigts: armée 1 ; clergé 2.
- "Les femmes sont comme des Kleenex™." Je ne sais plus, mais je pense que le contexte de celui-la ne l'excuse quand même pas.
- "Victor Hugo est une banane." Traduction: L'oeuvre de Victor Hugo se déguste comme une banane: il faut d'abord la peler.
- "Je ne veux pas insister la-dessus, mais c'est TRÈS TRÈS IMPORTANT." ...
- "Le français, c'est la cuillière qui permet de manger le Nutella™." On parlait d'une image qu'on avait vu dans un autre cours, qui n'avait absolument rien à faire avec le français, puis il en a entendu 2 mots (cuillière et Nutella) et il nous a sortie celle-la.
- "Je m'en badigeonne le nombril avec une botte de poireaux." Amuse-toi bien...
- "La photo rétrécit le monde. Merci, Didier!" Oui, merci.
- "Le soleil est au centre de notre Univers. Pour moi, c'est un fait indiscutable." Ce gars il est prof de lycée.
- "Je passe ma vie à dire des choses 'en passant'." D'accord...
- "Alors qu'aujourd'hui on voit les streinges dépasser du pantalon..." À peine anglophobe celui-la...
- "schuingumme" À nouveau, j'ai fait de mon mieux pour transcrire ca prononciation barbare...
- "J'aimerais me saoûler, être ivre!" D'après lui, son seul alcool c'est la culture... et ce type s'occupe d'enfants...
- "Christophe, tu veux que je m'occupe de ton instrument?" Chris avait ramené sa guitare en cours et ne savait pas où la mettre...
- "Je ne vais pas toucher l'instrument de Christophe... il aura peut-être des problèmes..." Euh...
- "Thomas, tu veux que je te suce?" Thomas c'était coupé le doigt et n'aime pas trop voir son propre sang.
- "Je vais me le faire ce Thomas!" Maman!... le grand méchant Hontabat il m'a fait peur...
- "T'as de beaux genoux, Thomas." Thomas avait son pied sur la chaise d'à-côté, son genou dépassait au-dessus de la table.
- "Thomas ne pense à rien si il n'a pas des boules dans la main à manipuler." Il avait confisqué une boule en caoutchouc à Thomas.
- "Elle est où ma boule? Il me faut ma boule!... En plus elle est trop petite." Il a perdu sa boule...
Et bien sûr, pour finir, la classique: "Que vois-je frétiller dans cet orifice buccal? Serait-ce une pâte à mâcher?"
M. Yves Wallerich (M. Ouissssssssssssssssssche), professeur de géographie:
- "La mousson d'été souflle de l'océan vers le continent et apporte de grandes quantités d'eau humide." Alors que le reste du temps en Asie, il ne s'agit que d'eau sèche...?
- "La pauvre salade n'aura pas son eau." Quel dommage!...?
M. Pierre-André Labolle, professeur de physique-chimie:
- "Les éléctrons sont des S.D.F." On n'est jamais certains de leur emplacement exact autour du noyau... bofbof la blague.
- "La chimie, c'est la sociologie des atomes." Mouais,... si tu veux.
Chris (eh oui, même les elèves!):
- "To see something as beautiful, one must compare it to something ugly." Celle-la il l'a rendu à la fin d'une copie!
- "malaxibles." Le mot qu'il cherchait était "malléables".
@£€% (ben quoi, chuis con moi aussi!)
- "Vous nous dites d'alléger notre style, mais en anglais, on doit justement le lourdifier." Je pense que c'est déjà assez lourd comme ça.
London Calling... London's Burning... Clash!
twentytwelve terrorists...
Uch the Olympics... It should have been Paris. If not because they have a big part of the installation in place (I've been to the Stade de France it's huge.), and have already got one of the best public transport systems in the world, then because I'm going to be somewhere within a 200km area of London in the years preceding the event itself, which means I get all the crap (such as "eek we're doing worse than greece... we'll never be ready... we're screwed!") landed on me.
Now, we've all heard about the evil nasty Bad Thing horrible terrible yadayadayada bombings that took place.
I have one thing to say about the whole incident: I know 5 people who should have been in King's cross station at the time, but they were all running late. Admittedly, I only met 3 of them the following week, but it's still pretty thought-provoking. Anyway they aren't dead they're all still crazy and alive and it's all actually quite yaysome.
Uch the Olympics... It should have been Paris. If not because they have a big part of the installation in place (I've been to the Stade de France it's huge.), and have already got one of the best public transport systems in the world, then because I'm going to be somewhere within a 200km area of London in the years preceding the event itself, which means I get all the crap (such as "eek we're doing worse than greece... we'll never be ready... we're screwed!") landed on me.
Now, we've all heard about the evil nasty Bad Thing horrible terrible yadayadayada bombings that took place.
I have one thing to say about the whole incident: I know 5 people who should have been in King's cross station at the time, but they were all running late. Admittedly, I only met 3 of them the following week, but it's still pretty thought-provoking. Anyway they aren't dead they're all still crazy and alive and it's all actually quite yaysome.
"Roller Coaster (favourite ride)...
... Let me kiss you one last time..."
Ups and downs, smiles and frowns...
Well, unwell, heart-twinge and chest-swell,
Walked for miles and finally I've found
Celle qui me trouve m'a trouvé que je trouve la plus belle...
Depressive downers don't need quite so many drowners any more.
I no longer long for her and scratch till I'm sore.
Not constantly sorry any more.
This is the end of the endless bore, not available in stores,
'cuz this is hardcore.
Nat: now I know I need no more because I have it all through you and it's fantastic I love you.
Ups and downs, smiles and frowns...
Well, unwell, heart-twinge and chest-swell,
Walked for miles and finally I've found
Celle qui me trouve m'a trouvé que je trouve la plus belle...
Depressive downers don't need quite so many drowners any more.
I no longer long for her and scratch till I'm sore.
Not constantly sorry any more.
This is the end of the endless bore, not available in stores,
'cuz this is hardcore.
Nat: now I know I need no more because I have it all through you and it's fantastic I love you.
Next two weeks...
This is what MC Marc Cassone had to say about it (sic):
ALEX BROWN: stars in Koh-Lanta: Eastern Europe.
1 british-punk kid, 2 weeks, loads of tourist babes, only one wil survive.
on this remote beach somewhere in the depths of wild and untamed croatia, this boy must survive without electricity, internet, or running water. will he survive? will he hook up? will he understand what the f*ck anyone over there is trying to say? tune in next week to find out...
ALEX BROWN: stars in Koh-Lanta: Eastern Europe.
1 british-punk kid, 2 weeks, loads of tourist babes, only one wil survive.
on this remote beach somewhere in the depths of wild and untamed croatia, this boy must survive without electricity, internet, or running water. will he survive? will he hook up? will he understand what the f*ck anyone over there is trying to say? tune in next week to find out...
When I get back I promise I'll have plenty to say about lots of different things. I already have plenty to say right now, only no time... See ya (whoever you may be...).
Slipknot in Nancy 23/06/05

As part of the Subliminal Verses Tour, the 9 played at the Zénith, and then again in Lyon. Not Paris (ha! up yours, oh distant capital-concert-hoggers!) .
I went with 4 german friends of mine (well i'd only ever met 1 of them but still this is rock'n'roll.) and we turned up at 8:15. After getting our bracelets confiscated we were in. We got right down the front pretty quickly, cuz it was a relatively small crowd (loads of people were sitting down, miles away from the stage. idiots.). At 8:25 (5 minutes before the ticket said-- they were EARLY!) a bunch of guys came out in jeans and t-shirts and i was thinking "WTF?! where are the masks???" for about a second until i realised there was only five of them and it was the opening band. But they didn't sound like Gojira, and weren't they on earlier??? hm wierd... anyway they were great.
After their first amazing song, the singer told us who they were ("for those who've never heard of us"), but no-one heard cuz of the applause. At first I thought they were Funeral For A Friend cuz the guy had a welsh accent when he spoke, but i wasn't sure. I found out after the show that they were the Dillinger Escape Plan. At one point both the singer and guitarist went stage-diving in pretty much the same place (namely, my face). my nose was sore for almost a week afterwards. very rock'n'roll.
Then they went away, and the Slipknot techs came out, moved the gear into place, did all the checking and stuff. Meanwhile the stupid impatient french members of the crowd were complaining about the wait. I was thinking (and saying in German to my new mates -- don't you just love it when no-one can understand you except the people you want to understand you?) "damn, you're here to see slipknot for fuck's sake, they're gonna be awesome, just give 'em a minute to make it all sound perfect you dicks! when there are nine band members, you should expect it to take a minute or two!"

So at 9:30 the lights went out, and the roar was amazing... it carried on for so long that you couldn't actually hear Prelude 3.0 at first because of it being a "quiet" intro... you could feel the expectation, I was thinking "This is it, here we go.." as everyone started squeezing forward. I was right at the front, maybe five metres from the absolute middle of the stage, spitting distance (literally) from #8 Corey all through the set. I had to fight to keep my spot, clinging on to the barriers (I knew those had a purpose)... Germans helped. The whole time we were like "was that a spike? did i see an arm?"... then they came out and when straight in to The Blister Exists.
The other songs they played, not too sure of the order (album number / track number) :
Before I Forget (3/10) "Our new fucking single, sing the words if you know'em."
Duality (3/4) "You may have noticed that one of our brothers is missing tonight. We had 2 options, cancel the show, or be loyal to our fans and do it without him. Clown may not be here tonight, but that doesn't mean we can't sing a song so loud he can hear it all the way back in Des Moines, Iowa where he's taking care of his Mom, cuz sometimes family's all you got in this fucked up world." I PUSH MY FINGERS INTO MY EYES... IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT SLOWLY STOPS THE ACHE... IF THE PAIN GOES ON I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT!

Vermilion (3/8)
Pulse Of The Maggots (3/9)
Everything Ends (2/5) "We've never played this song in France before. I'm not even gonna tell which one it is, we're just gonna play it, and I'm gonna enjoy the look on your faces when you recognize it." YOU ARE WRONG, FUCKED AND OVERRATED I THINK I'M GONNA BE SICK AND IT'S YOUR FAULT, THIS IS THE END OF EVERYTHING, YOU

People = Shit (2/2) "So you like the Iowa album?"
The Heretic Anthem (2/6) "This song is dedicated to all those fake, plastic bands who think it's all about the money." If you're 555 then I'm 666!
Surfacing (1/5) "This song is your new national fucking anthem!" FUCK IT ALL! FUCK THIS WORLD! FUCK EVERYTHING THAT YOU STAND FOR! DON'T BELONG! DON'T EXIST! DON'T GIVE A SHIT! DON'T

Spit It Out (1/6) "It's time for some old school shit." (speaking of which there was another song they played just after this one that I didn't recognize, I think it must have been from before they were known as Slipknot, when there were fewer of them. MFKR: Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
In the middle of Spit It Out, they broke it all down, till there was just that one little guitar, all alone, repeating itself over and over... "We know you're loud, but are you really crazy? I want every motherfucking last one of you down on the floor, come on you crazy motherfuckers, show me you're crazy, get on the fucking floor, now! Even at the back, come on, that's right! Now you guys are gonna stay right fucking there till I say, can you do that? Andf when I say, I want you crazy motherfuckers to jump up so fucking high, but first you gotta stay down there right?" It was really tough getting down, cuz we were all sort of squatting, ready to jump, and you take up more room that way than when you're standing up, so it got pretty tight. He had us stay down for an entire chorus... We jumped so fucking high, the surge of energy was amazing and we all carried each other higher... Somehow I managed to land where I had started: right down the front.
Wait And Bleed (1/4) This was the last song, just before Danger - Keep Away came on telling us the awesome show was over. My heart flooded with emotion at this one, twinging pain and happiness at the same time. The same, very very short time, however, cuz i had to concentrate on avoiding death by crushing. I'VE FELT THE HATE RISE UP IN ME KNEAL DOWN AND CLEAR THE STONE OF LEAVES I WANDER OUT WHERE YOU CAN'T SEE INSIDE MY SHELL I WAIT AND BLEED

I heard a few people after concert complaining about Wait And Bleed, saying it was overplayed. That may be true, and a lot of people only know about that one and People = Shit, but seriously, IT'S THEIR OWN FUCKING SONG, SURELY THEY CAN'T "OVERPLAY" IT CAN THEY? Don't they have the right to play it as much as they like, since they created it? come on.
One thing I didn't like was the way everyone after the concert were trying to get the security down the front to give them free stuff off the stage. They were really desperate, it was so pathetic. #2 the bassist chucked a few picks, and #1 Joey the drummer tossed his sticks into the crowd, and to the few who got stuff I say "lucky you", cuz that's a cool way to remember the show. But to stand down the front for so long when you're obviously nbot going to get anything is just wrong. We really are maggots.
Also, when you go to a such concert, you should really expect that things are going to get a bit warm. It was ridficulous how the people behind me were begging for water. they got some, but not enough really. it was silly, they should have known how thirsty they'd be. i could have managed.
Mind you, I wasn't in the mosh much, and I got loads of water anyway from being at the front, but I still would have managed without it.
Being in France, most of the people there were French. That wasn't too bad in itself, as I managed to form an insulating wall of Germans around me (if there's one thing the Germans do well... it's walls -- eek sorry! . No really what I meant to say is that when it comes to heavy metal the teutons know what they're doing.). But what really got us better anglophones was the chanting... "SLEEP-NOT! SLEEP-NOT!". Ok guys, don't go to bed if you really don't want to, but aat leasat fuck off and learn to pronouce the name of this band you're venerating. I won't start on the lyrics they were singing either... That's one the advantages of buying cds instead of dling or copying: ou learn the titles and the words are reprinted accurately. Anyway, The music was so loud I didn't have to put up with it too much.
Afterwards I bought myself a bandana. It's red and has a big Slipknot logo. Duh! Outside there were loads of touts flogging cheaper crappier merch, and tht was all entirely uncool and besides the point of Slipknot. I was glad to see that absolutely no-one was buying anything.
My jeans got ripped on the barriers at the front too. I've covered the whole with a Slipknot (of course) patch, it looks really cool. The sleeve of my Clash t-shirt, however, will be harder to recover.
#8 Corey swore they would return to Nancy. I intend to be there.
And then there was the crowd-surfing... whoa.
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