
Laat deze plaats...

St. John: Die Wahrheit macht frei. (The truth makes you free.)
The Nazis: Arbeit macht frei. (Work makes you free.)
Me: Macht macht frei. (Power makes you free.)

The view as they got off the train in the Birkenau camp:

Now make an effort:


Anonymous said...

Ha, I love the "Macht macht frei." - sadly, it appears that at least somebody else already thought about it (cf a search engine), that's always depressing. Nice shots, by the way.

(nb : ah, I just understand that Google's captcha only works if cookies are enabled...)

Alex said...

I should bloody well hope someone else thought of it first! They've certainly had time in the 60-something years... Although I would like to point out I came up with it myself as I was staring at the sign... which is surprisingly small.

madnone said...

what the HECK does the last text mean!!!!