
the new annoying msn abbreviation.

now, technically i came upon this completely by accident, but it still required a bit of a reasoning jump to get there, so i still get the glory...

knowing that, here we go:my new abbreviation that will take the virtual world by storm is (drum roll please).....................................lo

It stands for Laughing Out.
That's right, Laughing Out.
For when you want to acknowledge that you did in fact spontaneously think that the joke or whatever was actually, genuinely funny. Not funny enough, however, for your expression to be audible in the next room (which would be Laughing Out Loud, or lol), but you did make a sound, so it counts as more than just :) or :D . Get it?

Now, when this starts becoming popular, it's origin will undoubtedly become unkwon. That is the purpose of this log: you heard (well, read) it here first, people! I coined the expression. mwahahahahahaha! And this way there's a permanent mark of it (well, in a virtual kind of way).
Also, I have a witness of it: Tess was the first person i said it to. Although, technically, i was trying to say lol. I hate lol though. It's so overused. It's almost become a word in it's own right, instead of an abbrev. Don't you just hate it when you tell a particularly unfunny joke and someone Laughs Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Loud? IT DOESNT MAKE ANY BLOODY SENSE!!! Think, people!!! aaaaaaaanyway as i was saying, the next big thing is lo. Because i said so. lo.

WARNING!: Beware, do not get " lo " confused with " 'lo " , which means hello.

Edit - 3/5/6 - Turns out this one's been around for ages and I was just completely unaware of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL c'est ce que moi j'ai à dire

no in fact ROFLMAO