
Some Like It Hot...

Wow do I love snowboarding!!!

Although I now officially hate skiers. Was almost killed/maimed several times per day. Watch where you put your sticks people!!!

)re( Learnt a bunch of tricks, including 360 slopespins (could already do them) bs/fs, which are really fun, although a little dizzying. Next was nose-/tail- turns, again both fs/bs, which is even more dizzying because it involves more complicated edge-switching and fakiness. Also ollies and now nollies (which I actually reckon are easier... call me weird.) Another fun thing was nose and tail presses (or wheelies or manuals or whatever you want to call them). Noses presses were less impressive because the acceleration I got wasn't too obvious, and I couldn't quite keep my balance for long, but I almost took off from my tail. Went very near that dangerous place known as Out Of Control. Mental board-bending-and-busting fun. And lastly the ultimate in beginner freestyling, the frontside 180 (and of course switch too).

The people were great too, more about them later...

And Club Med, again I'm getting kicked off now so I'll write it some other time in the week, and again again I have stuff to say about the week hwich might make it here too...


The 2 Ronnies

This is my second favourite of their sketches (After "four candles = 'andles for forks"). Not that you care about how I rank things, but it's still funny and I wish to lighten the mooned. Also, its the only excuse one could possibly have for using fuckwit txtspk:

Swedish made simple: Im de Restaurant.

R U B C ?
F U N E X ?
F U N E M ?
V F N 10 E M

I can't remember Z rest, but U get Z point. And if you don't, read it again.

I wander out where you can't see...




I honestly have no idea why I just did that. (see below)

It's not the sort of thing I really like (much).

I'm just bored.

Really that's all there is to it.

I think I'll go watch Wayne's World II (Excellent!)

Party on.


"This song is about a girl in a box"

Here I stand, it will never stop!...









And another one that's been nagging me for a while, although it doesn't really apply now...

Click here to see me being pathetic.

In fact, no, I won't bore you with adolescent insecurities about attractions and the opposite sex and all that pointless waste of energy crap. In my case it has (of course) sorted itself out, and I'm very pleased about it. Just click the link up there and you'll see what I mean(t).

Thanks / Good luck!

"Politeness: n. the most acceptable form of hypocrisy."
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
in The Devil's Dictionary.

Ok, so it's been a long time that I've wanted to finish this post (I started it over a month ago), and therefore I can't quite remember (silly me) what it was I was going to say exactly about "thanks". Probably something quite cynical, I'll let you make it up for yourself, on reflection now I'm in a different mood and probably didn't mean it.

Wishing people good luck however, is something that society "just does" apparently and that really gets on my nerves. Stop reading now if you don't like the typical gripe at customs that do no harm and are politically untouchable.

First of all, it makes no sense. People have no control over luck, which in and of itself is an incredibly abstract notion. Because if one takes into consideration the element of time, I reckon that everything evens itself out in the end, it's just that there is no way of knowing (I know, I know, I'm making a claim that can't be disproved, and I wish there was a better way of expressing this, as I'm sure there probably is, but I am not aware of it, let alone do I master it, so this is the best I can be bothered to do.) exactly.

Secondly, do you really mean it?
An example: I remember once I was playing a chess tournament (I know, stereotypically geeky but if you think that way then fuck off.), and I came up against this bind lady, and at some point during the game she left her queen en prise, which means I could have taken it, and really I should have, and just thought about it longer. But, being blind, her eyes showed no expression of "wow how stupid am I to have let that happen?" (which she later told me was what she had been thinking)
So I missed it. It was a huge stroke of luck on her part, being blind. Plus it is traditional to wish your opponent/adversary good luckbefore a match. In this instance however, I regret it quite badly. Humans being so fallible, they need all the luck they can get. Sounds selfish I know, but hey I can say what I like, and bonus points for me for saying what I really think eh?!

Thanks for listening (or possibly, but I honestly can't remember, no thanks).